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He was lifting first one foot and then the other and feeling them tenderly with his hands. "Yesh! thas what I shaid! That Morris chair met me at the door and barked every shin I've got. Get out of here!" he roared at the two servants who had entered from the kitchen. "Selah, where've you been?" "I'm up here, father. I didn't know it was so late. I'll be down in a minute."

"But they've gone!" he says. "See here! How you going to catch 'em? How you going to set 'em to hotel keeping when they elope off your hands? Where've they gone? That's the point. Where've they gone?" "Up," said Uncle Abimelech. "Eh!" "Connubilated," said Uncle Abimelech, pointing. "Gone up." "Prayed over fifteen minutes," said Stevey Todd, "which I wouldn't so state without watching the clock."

"There ain't nothin' the matter, as I knows on," responded the leader of this fruitless expedition. "We only thought we'd take a stroll this pleasant mornin'," she added, with sublime self-possession. "Where've you be'n, Betsey Lane?" "To Pheladelphy, ma'am," said Betsey, looking quite young and gay, and wearing a townish and unfamiliar air that upheld her words.

"Eh," said the captain furiously. "You young spy. I command this ship. What's the sail got to do with you?" He glared at me in drunken anger. "You young whelp," he cried, grabbing me by the collar. "Where are your letters? Eh? Where've you hid your letters?" At that instant, there came a more violent gust in the fierceness of wind which drove us.

'We shall only 'ave the common flood to contend with now. You'd better go to bed. 'I ought to go down and have another look at Sidney before daylight. 'No need. You can see 'is light burnin' from all the upstairs windows. 'By the way. I forgot about her. Where've you put her? 'In my bed. Rhoda's tone was ice. 'I wasn't going to undo a room for that stuff.

He was not so white or haggard, but his eyes were piercing, and what had once been recklessness now seemed to be boldness. He deliberately studied Pearce. Joan trembled, for she divined what none of these robbers knew, and it was that Pearce was perilously near death. It was there for Joan to read in Jim's dark glance. "Where've you been all these nights?" queried the bandit leader.

The dinner bell had rung and as Ruth came around the side of the house, her aunt and Edith, who were sitting on the porch, shouted in unison: "Go 'way! Go 'way! Go out to the barn. Where've you been?" "I tried to pick up a kitten out in the oat stubbles," confessed Ruth. "Well, I guess you did, all right," said her aunt.

They wanted to send him to Congress in Webb's place, you know." "Yes, I know," said Galt. "Hello, Bassett," as Tom Bassett joined him. "Where've you been? Lost sight of you this morning." "Oh, I was out with the Committee on Credentials. A member? I should say not. I wanted to hear that Madison County case, so I got made sergeant-at-arms.

Though she must have been older then than any of the boys in college, she managed always to secure some sort of invitation, imagining vaguely that at the next party would occur the flirtation which was to end at the romantic altar. "Where've you been?" inquired Anthony, unfailingly amused. "I've been at Hot Springs. It's been slick and peppy this fall more men!" "Are you in love, Muriel?"

Fine employment of mind for a Ranger whose single glance down a quiet street pictured it with darkgarbed men in grim action, guns spouting red, horses plunging! In front of Hoden's restaurant I dismounted and threw my bridle. Jim was unmistakably glad to see me. "Where've you been? Morton was in an' powerful set on seein' you. I steered him from goin' up to Sampson's.