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I ain't put it anywhere. You know that." "Don't play the giddy goat," said the other, testily. "Where've you hid it? Is it safe?" Mr. Chase leaned back in his chair and, shaking his head at him, smiled approvingly. "You're a little wonder, that's what you are, Gussie," he remarked. "No wonder your pore wife is took in so easy." Mr. Teak sprang up in a fury. "Don't play the fool," he said hoarsely.

She had met them on street corners, and slipped back alone, fearful of every creak of the old staircase, and her mother's querulous voice calling to her: "Edie, where've you been all this time?" And she had lied. How she had lied! "I'm through with all that," she resolved. "It wasn't any fun anyhow. I'm sick of hating myself."

"Oh, I couldn't repeat it," answered Death Valley virtuously. "She don't seem to like you now. She says you stole her mine." "Huh!" grunted Wiley, and looked about the cabin which was littered with bottles and flasks. "Well, where've you been?" he went on at last, the better to change the subject, and Charley leered at him shrewdly.

She did not rise, as she gave him her hand; the color flooded her face. "Susan, you little turkey-buzzard " It was the old Peter! "where've you been all evening? The next for me!" "Mr. Bocqueraz, Mr. Coleman," Susan said, with composure, "Peter, Mr. Stephen Graham Bocqueraz." Even to Peter the name meant something. "Why, Susan, you little grab-all!" he accused her vivaciously.

"Where've you been?" he asked, for he noticed this. "What've you been doing?" "I've killed the bear that tried to kill him," she answered. She spoke louder than she meant. Her voice awakened Ferrol. "Eh, what?" he said, "killed the bear, mademoiselle, my dear friend," he added, "killed the bear!" He coughed a little, and a twinge of pain crossed over his face.

Tell me more about your most interesting cases. It might make me restless." "Nothing much to tell. Life just one ptomaine after another. Cases all alike except for the primal cause." "Well, tell me something. Where've you been just now?" "Over to Iva's. She had 'em again. Ripe olives. Getting better. Where you been?" "To the Restless Sexteen Club." "Like it?" "I don't get it.

The morning was warming when he untied the new ladder and carried it from the roof rack. He laid it on the grass and assembled it, tying off the lifting rope. Jennifer put her head out the front door. "Where've you been?" "Hi, pretty good, huh?" He pointed to the shiny aluminum ladder. "I stopped for breakfast." He pointed to Verdi who was motionless beneath a rose bush by the corner of the house.

A look of greed crept into his face, as he made hurriedly for the back-doorway. "Liz!" he called. "Yes, gran'fer." "Where've yer been?" "Been to school." "Brought any wood?"

Bill drew himself stiffly up by the tree above they were ascending the wooded gully that extended from base to mountain-top. "Well, what's the hurry? She's only seventeen years old." "Yes, she was only seventeen years old, two years ago; but she's nineteen, now." Bill Atkins sank upon a rock at the foot of a bristling cedar. "Nineteen! Who, LAHOMA? Then where've I been all the time?"

'Land! thinks I, 'I knew he was a heathen, but if he turns out to be an idolater, whatever shall I do with him! 'Why, where've you ben fetched up? s' I. 'There's only one God, the High and Mighty Ruler of the Univarse, s' I. 'Well, s' e', 'there must be more 'n one, for the God in this lesson isn't like the one in Miss Dora's book at all! Land sakes!