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"'With a what-you-call cornet? I clapped my hand to my mouth over a guffaw; and, with that, She who had started laughing too came to a stop, with her eyes fastened on the back of it. I saw them stiffen, and the pretty round pupils draw in and shrink to narrow slits like a cat's, and her arm went back slowly behind her, and her bosom leaned nearer and nearer.

"Three cheers for the 'What-you-call 'em' boys!" screamed Betty, and even Arabella added a faint "Hurrah!" to the general clamor. Two of the boys produced a pair of cymbals, but while they were clashing Betty brought forth a huge gong and nearly stunned those near her with the noise that she made as with all her might she smote it. "Hooray!" shouted a small boy.

"Quel ravissement de la lune!" exclaimed a deep guttural voice at this juncture, and Louis Gigue came out from the dark embrasure of the Manor's oaken portal into the full splendour of the moonlight "Et la belle Mademoiselle Vancourt is ze adorable fantome of ze night! Et milord Roxmouth ze what-you-call? ze gnome! ze shadow of ze lumiere! Ha-ha!

Hand me one of them misleadin' books, and I'll mark a few solid kinds such as produce ninety-nine hundredths of all that's used or sold. Then you go to What-you-call- 'em's store, and take a line from me, and you'll git the genuine article at market-gardeners' prices." "Now, Mr. Bogart, you are treating me like a man and a brother." "Oh thunder!

She laughed. "I think I like it," she decided. "Now we know all about each other," he mocked. "But no: you have asked many questions, which is your habit, but I have asked few. What do you do in this strange land? Is it what-you-call 'spirit of adventure' also?" "Not I! I am an ivory hunter." "You expect to find the elephant here?" "Who knows or ivory to trade."

"My tear Miss Warren I will try to do all that you want You will not do anything I want, but never mind. I will show you that Germans can be generous. I will speak about your mother. I am sorry that there are bad-mannered Germans in the hotel. There are some what-you-call 'bounders' among us, as there are with you. It is to be regretted.

And if you suffer inconvenience on the way or pain or humiliation or anger why that is what you have made me suffer." "You! You have treated me with scorn, with contempt, like a little child, as though I did not exist! You have what-you-call ridden over overridden what I propose, what I try to do. You and your lordly way! You are not a man you are a fish of cold blood; a statue of iron!

How was I to know the hard? I was only a chee-ild. What was there left but etchings and pictures and fans? Was it my fault that I never had to sweat?" The older man looked at his nephew with unconcealed disgust. He had no patience with levity from the lips of softness. "Well, I'm going to take another one of those what-you-call masculine vacations. Suppose I asked you to come along?"

"But suppose this: suppose Winkleman had obtained his wish. Could you overcome his influence and what-you-call substitute your own?" "No more than he could substitute his were the cases reversed. I've confidence enough in myself and knowledge enough of Winkleman to guarantee that." "So it would depend on who got there first?" she persisted; "that is your opinion?" "Why, yes.

"Yes, but I tell you, mademoiselle, I not feel so sure the doctor means to come back soon, perhaps not for a long time." "Why, what makes you think that?" "Ah " He hesitated, digging the thick toe of his boot in between the cobble stones and gazing at it thoughtfully. "Mademoiselle, the doctor say to me the other day, when the Captain go, I can take a long what-you-call holiday.