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With a shy, sweet glance at him, she turned toward the door to await the appearance of Watson. He could still feel her in his arms. A drawling voice came to them from the vestibule, and a moment later Leslie Wrandall entered the library, pulling off his gloves as he came. "Hello," he said glibly. "I told that fellow downstairs it wasn't necessary to announce me by telephone.

The admiral saw through the device, which was no doubt to hand the fort over to the Peshwa's general, and so balk the British of their legitimate prize. Admiral Watson made short work of the visitors. He told them that if Angria would surrender his fort peaceably he and his family would be protected; but that the fort he must have.

"And that does seem to be all, 'my dear Watson'," he told the parrot. "Exactly half a dozen possible suspects, and not an atom of actual evidence against one of them except that Judge Marshall owned the gun.

"There was only two dollars and a half." "It was all I had." "Let me up!" said Rafferty, renewing his struggles. "Joe, have you got a rope?" asked Watson. "Yes." "Bring it here, then. I can't hold this man all night." "What are you going to do with me?" demanded Rafferty uneasily. "Tie you hand and foot till to-morrow morning and then deliver you over to the authorities." "No, you won't!"

"Let's stand in a big circle," suggested Madeline Ayres, "and pass the diplomas round until each one comes to its owner." It wasn't surprising that Eleanor Watson, with her newly acquired duties as toastmistress, should keep getting outside the circle to consult various toasters and members of the supper committee; but it did seem as if Betty Wales might stay quietly in her place.

Watson that's all," said the man, walking along with them. "She's been a worrytin herself to death about you; and the sooner she sees you, the better for her and for you." On reaching the house the boys were received by Mrs. Watson. One look at her was enough to show them that the man's account of her was true.

Cheer up, Watson, for I am very sure that our material has not yet all come to hand. When it does we may soon leave our difficulties behind us." Little did I think how soon the words of Holmes would be realized, or how strange and sinister would be that new development which opened up an entirely fresh line of investigation.

Then you are going to chuck up £500 and a free trip on the Continent?” he said. “Dr Watson himself admits the responsibility.” “With a—what is it?—agreeable young man?” “Only when in possession of his proper faculties,” said the doctor, dismally. “And an amiable disposition?” “With suicidal tendencies, hang it!”

"And yet there are singular points about it which hold out some hopes for our client." "I am delighted to hear it," said I, heartily. "I was afraid it was all up with him." "I would hardly go so far as to say that, my dear Watson. The fact is that there is one really serious flaw in this evidence to which our friend attaches so much importance." "Indeed, Holmes! What is it?"

Across the river from this place is Pless where an evacuation hospital was conducted by Capt. Watson, R. A. M. C., with fourteen British and one American Ambulance man, used as a cook and interpreter. Stretchers used for beds. Casualties held here for two or three days and evacuated by sled to Beresnik about fifty versts to the rear.