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Toodles could conceive a want for such as broken pots, dog-irons, fenders, saws, toasters, stew-pans, old muskets, boxing-gloves and foils, and sundry other odds and ends too numerous to mention.

The close and unprejudiced observer notices, however, that what the speaker has gained in eloquence, loquacity and exuberance of style and expres-sion, he has lost in logic, clearness and good sense. As King Alcohol tightens his grasp on the merry company, the toasters and speakers lose more and more their control over speech and actions.

In the case of the Landers, however, these toasters had to deal with strangers, and with white men, and perhaps it may be considered as natural, amongst simple barbarians, to court admiration and applause, even if no other means were employed than falsehood and exaggeration.

The work table held its share of radios, toasters, TV sets, an electric train, a spring-wind Victrola. Sam threw the nails onto the table and crossed the room, running his fingers along the silent keyboard of the player piano. He looked out the window. The bulldozers had made the ground rectangular, level and brown, turning it into a gigantic half-cent stamp.

"You must have worked like a little Trojan. Now stop a bit while I prepare my breakfast." "Kin you cook?" asked Amarilly in astonishment. "I can make coffee and poach eggs. Come into my butler's pantry and watch me." Amarilly followed him into a small apartment and was initiated into the mysteries of electric toasters and percolators.

"Let's stand in a big circle," suggested Madeline Ayres, "and pass the diplomas round until each one comes to its owner." It wasn't surprising that Eleanor Watson, with her newly acquired duties as toastmistress, should keep getting outside the circle to consult various toasters and members of the supper committee; but it did seem as if Betty Wales might stay quietly in her place.

The old-fashioned "whatnot" with its hungrily gaping shelves is responsible for many crimes committed in the name of bric-a-brac, and calls to mind sundry specimens with which proud owners were wont to satisfy its greed: the glass case of wax or feather flowers, flanked and reenforced by plush photograph frames, shells, china vases shining "giltily," silvered and beribboned toasters, peacock-feather fans, with perhaps a cup and saucer bearing testimony to our virtue with its "For a good girl," and other fill-upables, gone but not forgotten.

"She works in marketing," Rhiannon said abruptly. "What's wrong with that?" "Oh, nothing. We're not getting along right now. I don't like her boyfriend." "Uh, oh. That's hard," Joe said. "He's such a creep. I'd get my own apartment but I'm leaving. I've never had an apartment." "It's fun," Joe said. "Do what you want. But you have to buy a lot of stuff beds and toasters and things.

Toodles could conceive a want for such as broken pots, dog-irons, fenders, saws, toasters, stew-pans, old muskets, boxing-gloves and foils, and sundry other odds and ends too numerous to mention.

Mohammed Ali, however, returned to his own house, and when he had reached the retirement of his apartment, and no one could see, he raised his arm threateningly in the direction of the citadel. "You are in my residence, ye Mamelukes," muttered he. "You are now the toasters of Cairo, but I swear that I will drive you out of my palace, as I drove out the viceroy, Cousrouf Pacha.