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Was he not seraphically whizzing through space, obeying the diamond telegram of love? In the general whizzle and bang of the whole performance he even ventured to raise his voice in song, and I could overhear him behind me, adding a lyrical finish to the hum of the machinery. It was a walloping run, and we only throttled down on the outskirts of Morristown.

"Walloping men is poor work, if you come to compare it with walloping Nature," he said, and explained that, according to his opinion, "to best a man at buying and selling was as wholesome an occupation as frowzlin' along the gutters for parings and strays." He himself preferred to go to the heart of things: "Nature makes you rich, if your object is to do the same for her.

Always remember, my boy, that an ounce of promotion is worth enough perspiration to float the Narcissus." "But what shall we do for a port captain?" "I've ordered Mike Murphy via Matt, of course to take a vacation under full salary and recover from the wounds he received walloping that German crew on the Narcissus.

"I have half a mind to give you a walloping." "Never do anything by halves, Henry," said the boy, mildly. "I never do. It's a bad habit; always go the whole length or none. Now that we are alone, I'll give you a reasonable account of what I know, if you'll remove your hand from my collar.

"They'd think you were trying your darndest to get rid of me!" "I am," said the White Linen Nurse complacently. With a muttered ejaculation the Senior Surgeon jumped to his feet and stood glaring down at her. Quite ingenuously the White Linen Nurse met and parried the glare. "A gentleman and a red-haired kiddie and a great walloping house all at once! It's too much!" she confided genially.

"There's only one proper place on earth for you, Evarts, and that's behind the bars. Now, move right along, or I'll give you a worse walloping every time you stop or argue." Finding that nothing would avail with these determined captors the ex-foreman relapsed into sulks. However, he kept walking straight ahead, obeying every order addressed to him. Tom stopped briefly at the cottage. Mr.

"I do tell 'ee plainly face to face she be there in madam's drawing-room; herself and Gussy, and them two walloping gals, dressed up to their very eyeses." This was said by a very positive, very indignant, and very fat farmer's wife, who was sitting on the end of a bench leaning on the handle of a huge, cotton umbrella. "But: you didn't zee her, Dame Guffern?" said Mrs.

Meanwhile a third frog had come walloping over the lily pads from somewhere out of sight, and grabbed the fly while the other two were fighting about it. It was he who first showed me a curious frog trick.

What a walloping I'll give him in the morning when it's light! and now, boy, you may go and sleep on my bed, 'cos it's wet, d'ye see; and I'll sleep on yourn, 'cos it's dry." Then he got into Martin's bed, and muttered and grumbled himself to sleep. Martin came out from under the table, and after dressing himself with great secrecy crept to the door to make his escape.

Didn't we use to call you Old Galahad? You were always walloping the bullies and taking the weaker chaps under your wing. To me, you were the last man in the world for this business. Moreover, I never could understand, nor could father, how you got it, for you were not an office-man. Women and cards, I suppose. Father said that you had the making of a great engineer.