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Updated: August 18, 2024

Grantham, but I've an eye like a hawk for the rhino, and I han't giv' you this piece of news without expectin' a promise that I shall git a purty considerable sum in eagles, if so be as you succeeds in wallopin' the prize. "'Walloping what do you call walloping, man? "'What do I call wallopin'? why licking her slick and clean out, and gettin' hold of the dust to be sure.

"From the reports Fordham has of your play the young men over in that town are certain that they're enough better to be able to bring your scalps into camp." "Perhaps they'll do it," laughed Dick pleasantly. "We'll admit that we're about due for a walloping whenever the crowd comes along that can do it." "I am only telling you what I hear from Fordham," continued Mr. Macey.

Leaving Cassidy behind, he spurred his bay to a walloping gallop, aiming for the northern confines of the park, and as he travelled, he spread the alarm, gathering up for the man-chase such recruits as two park labourers and a park woodchopper and an automobile party of young men, so that presently there was quite a good-sized search party abroad in the woodland.

The Doctor the quiet, kindly, peaceable, little Doctor! well, you wouldn't have known him if you had seen him that day dealing out whacks you could hear a mile off, walloping and swatting in all directions. As for Bumpo, with staring eye-balls and grim set teeth, he was a veritable demon. None dared come within yards of that wicked, wide-circling door-post.

"Yes, yes, go on. You'll never be satisfied if you don't. But I ought to take you over my knee and give you a sound walloping." "Thank you. How is Mr. Mr. the trainer?" "He isn't badly hurt, thanks to your presence of mind, young man," answered the surgeon. "That makes two people you've saved today, Forrest," emphasized Mr. Sparling. "We will call that a day's work.

All were borne away in spirit to the scene of some far-off, familiar camp, where the scents of decayed fish and turtle-bones, and of a multitude of uncleanly dogs commingled with the bitter smoke of mangrove wood fires, where amid the yells of gins and the screeches of piccaninnies and the walloping of men, two mangy curs noisily wrestled.

She's gotta get over to the other side, ain't she? Cert'nly she's gone." She looked at him interested. "Do you want to be on board her?" "Of course I do." "Then, for the love of Pete, wotcha doin' walloping off'n her like a sack of potatoes?" "I slipped. I was pushed or something." Sam sprang to his feet and looked wildly about him. "I must get back. Isn't there any way of getting back?"

I stared at his bare legs walloping the planks, and feeling certain that I had lost all chance of finding out where the white waterfall and Black Fernando's hell were situated, I found a new shadow patch and lay down again.

"Me a what?" he inquired, bending his head forward with a look of incredulity, and mechanically hitching up his trousers. "Me a daddy? On course it's a boy? Polly wouldn't go for to get a girl, a poor little helpless girl, out in these outlandish parts." "On course, Dick, it's a boy, a fine big, walloping younker, too.

.... There is just as much true pleasure in walloping one's own wife as in the sinful enjoyment of another man's right. Heaven gives to each man a wife, and intends that he shall cleave to her alone. To cleave is either to "split" or to "stick." To cleave to your wife is to split her with a stick.

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