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Barry in the habit of prolonging and toning her pronunciation, sometimes to a degree verging upon a chant; but whether it was that the public ear was at that period accustomed to a demi-chant, or that she threw off the defect in the heat of passion, it is certain that her general judgment and genius, in the highest bursts of tragedy, inspired enthusiasm in all around her, and that she was thought to be alike mistress of the terrible and the tender.

But there never was the gemman of the road, great or small, knowing or stupid, as outlived his seventh year. And this will be the captain's seventh, come the 21st of next month; but he be a fine chap, and I'll go to his hanging!" "Fish!" said the robber, peevishly, he himself was verging towards the end of his sixth year, "pish!"

If he should wish to transact any business with his lawyer, you may be required to speak of your own wishes. Do not waste the favorable moment. The stroke has not been severe, and I have good hopes of restoration, but when the patient is verging on seventy we can never be sure." Dr. Marks went away, leaving Mr. Wilson to watch the case. Mr.

An imagination verging toward the figurative finds on entering the New York Stock-Exchange a strong suggestion of having penetrated a die with which Giants have been casting lots. The first impression is one of cubical dimensions and unless the curb be drawn, a fancy so spurred will plunge to yet other conceits that bring home the cynical parallel.

I am verging, I suppose, on that period of life when present scenes and events make but feeble impressions in comparison with those of yore; so that I must reconcile myself to be more and more the prisoner of Memory, who merely lets me hop about a little with her chain around my leg.

Here is my answer Without verging on gush, it affords expression to the deepest and most intense feeling. But we may cheerfully concede that genuine drama ought to be acted. It cannot be a picture; it can only be an imitation of a picture. At every point Wagner's reasoning goes to the ground. His basic facts are no facts, and his reasoning is absurd.

Yet he was full of that Faith which the animals have to such an admirable degree unhesitating faith in the inner promptings of his OWN nature; he had the joy which comes of abounding vitality, springing up like a fountain whose outlet is free and unhindered; he rejoiced in an untroubled and unbroken sense of unity with his Tribe, and in elaborate social and friendly institutions within its borders; he had a marvelous sense-acuteness towards Nature and a gift in that direction verging towards "second-sight"; strengthened by a conviction which had never become CONSCIOUS because it had never been QUESTIONED of his own personal relation to the things outside him, the Earth, the Sky, the Vegetation, the Animals.

The country in the east of the Colony was verging now upon the state which Grant described in the Shenandoah Valley: 'A crow, said he, 'must carry his own rations when he flies across it. In the middle district General Charles Knox, with the columns of Pine-Coffin, Thorneycroft, Pilcher, and Henry, were engaged in the same sort of work with the same sort of results.

My undisguised preference for Miss Warren after I had actually made her acquaintance, and my persistent blindness to everything verging toward sentiment, had perhaps done something toward dispelling her belief that beauty and dress were irresistible.

What he tells against Scotland is violently against his own will, for he is intensely national, of which I will give the reader one instance that may make him smile. Much of the rich, unctuous coal, from Northumberland and Durham, gives a deep ruddy light, verging to a blood-red, and certainly is rather sullen, on a winter evening, to the eye.