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She noted, and even with some particularity, the other passengers a young girl in a smart tailor-made gown reading a book, cutting the leaves raggedly with a hairpin; a well-groomed gentleman with a large stomach, who breathed loudly through his nose; the book agent with his oval boxes of dried figs and endless thread of talk; a woman with a little boy who wore spectacles and who was continually making unsteady raids upon the water-cooler, and the brakeman and train conductor laughing and chatting in the forward seat.

Demades, after the death of Alexander, compared the Macedonian army to the Cyclops after his eye was out, seeing their many disorderly and unsteady motions.

I have been bad to-day, you know, and only this angel will appear," whispered the invalid, pointing with her unsteady finger toward the nurse. Mary Fuller looked up; her large eyes began to dilate, and her face grew very pale. The woman's eyes fell upon her. A look of ferocious pleasure rose to her face, and she came forward, laying her hand heavily upon the child's shoulder.

Twelve hundred can be as easily made up to you as a thousand." The minister was slightly disturbed at this. He replied in a low, unsteady voice: "Money has no influence with me in this matter. All I ask is a comfortable maintenance for my family.

"Gentlemen," he at last began in an unsteady voice, "I have been so bold as to call you together here for this meeting ahem! Ahem! We have to celebrate the fiesta of our patron saint, San Diego, on the twelfth of this month ahem! today is the second ahem! Ahem!" At this point a slow, dry cough cut off his speech.

From time to time a gust of wind would sweep through the street, pushing him forward, making him run for a few steps; then, when the wind would die down, he would stop short, having lost his impetus, and once more he would begin to stagger on his unsteady drunkard's legs. He went instinctively toward his home, just as birds go to their nests.

As Plutarch said, “I had rather men should say of me that there neither is nor ever was such a one as Plutarch, than they should say ‘There was a Plutarch, an unsteady, changeable, easily provokable and revengeful man.’ ” Shaftesbury’s significance is that he built up a positive theory of morals, and although it had no philosophical depth, his influence on French and German thinkers of the eighteenth century was immense.

"Don't touch me! Don't you touch me!" And she left him. In the hall Nora stopped her to say there were not enough champagne glasses. She made no reply. Champagne glasses ! She looked after Worth. Then she went to Ann. "Well, Ann," she began, her voice high pitched and unsteady, "this is about the limit, isn't it?" "Oh Katie," moaned Ann, "you told me you told me you understood.

Jonas had just sense enough left to try to resist this proceeding, and Mallery saw, with a throb of thankfulness, the whip drop from his unsteady hand, thus preventing the horses from being lashed into greater fury; then he applied all the strength of his arms and his knowledge of horses to the dangerous experiment of backing them down into the gully.

Great as was the intellectual ability of its author so great as to extort our profoundest, though it may be reluctant admiration there are nevertheless moments in which it appears that his movement is becoming wavering and unsteady that he is failing to handle his ponderous weapon with self-balanced power.