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"'And that is to continue for a whole month? "'Yes, for the whole of the month of Ramadan, she replied, with great determination. "I assumed an irritated manner and said: 'Very well, then, you can go and spend the Ramadan with your family. "She seized my hands, and, laying them on my heart, she said: "'Oh! Please do not be unkind, and you shall see how nice I will be.

It seems unkind to put anything painful into other people's minds, unless one were sure it would hinder something worse. And perhaps I am too hasty and fearful." "Oh, my dear, mothers are made to like pain and trouble for the sake of their children. Is it because the singing lessons are so few, and are likely to fall off when the season comes to an end?

Now, Sir, I propose, perhaps at the expense of some detail and consequent detention of the Senate, to review historically this question, which, partly in consequence of its own importance, and partly, perhaps mostly, in consequence of the manner in which it has been discussed in different portions of the country, has been a source of so much alienation and unkind feeling between them.

"Worthily and with all her soul the greater my despair." "Then I dare not think of her one unkind thought. We must remember her, and be strong for her sake. You will leave London and forget me soon, yes, yes, you will try to forget me. You owe it to her; it is your duty." "Duty!" he broke out passionately. "What have I to do with duty? Was it not my duty to be true to you?

That, indeed, was the beginning of Lettice's isolation the beginning of a kind of mental estrangement from her brother, which the lapse of time was to widen and perpetuate. Mr. Campion and his wife were by no means unkind to their daughter; they simply put Sydney first in all their plans and anticipations of the future.

They had come a little way "up trail" at least Desire had said it was a little way, and her companion was too proud of his recovered powers of locomotion to express unkind doubt of the adjective. There had been no rainy days for a week. The air was sun-soaked, and salt-soaked, and somewhere there was a wind. But not here.

Slowly, under soft air and rain, the buds broke into tiny spears, too small and tender, it seemed to her, to live against the unkind touch of harsh winds, and the rudimentary filaments spread and grew into leaves.

He turned away from the wistful, questioning look in her eyes, and only remarked, "I shall find it hard to forgive them this." "But I can't believe that Constance would do anything unkind," she replied, somewhat illogically. "No. But Constance is not herself her real self now, she is Merton's wife."

But my spirit was at the time full of good-will towards all men, and I reasoned with him against giving way to unkind thoughts, expounding, to the best of my ability, the nature of Gospel-charity, and the heavenlyness of good-will, saying to him, "The nature of charity's like the light o' the sun, by which all things are cherished.

He will do his best to make your sojourn here easy until such time as I may have an opportunity of sending you by ship to Carlisle; and now farewell, sir," he said, giving Archie his hand, "I regret that an unkind chance has thrown so gallant a knight into my hands, and that my duty to the king forbids me from letting you go free." "Thanks, Sir Ingram," Archie replied.