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"Oh yes, I know. She says, is your cold better, and there's a warm undervest for you in the left-hand corner of the big drawer." Quite automatically Andreas cleared his throat twice. "Yes," he answered. "Tell her my throat certainly feels looser. I suppose I'd better not disturb her?" "No, and besides, TIME, Andreas." "I'll be ready in five minutes." They went into the passage.

The third day he had on a dead daffodil and a cardigan undervest, and on the last day, when the high school teachers should have been there, he only wore his office suit and he hadn't even shaved. He looked beaten. It was that night that he went up to the rectory to tell the news to Dean Drone.

He rose a tall, massively imposing figure in a low-girdled tunic of deep purple velvet, open at the breast, and gold-laced across a white silken undervest. "There is some evidence," he informed her gruffly. "Come with me, and you shall see it for yourself." He led the way from that cheerless hall by a dark corridor to a small snug room, richly hung and carpeted, where a servant waited.

He plucked aside the front of his almost buttonless shirt and worn undervest and showed them on his left breast the scoring where a sharp blade had marked an irregular circle on his skin. "Beale did that," he whined. "Deming said they'd finish the job if I come back without 'em." "Without the shells?" "Yes, sir. Yes, Mr. Rainey. Oh, Gord, they'll kill me sure! Oh, my Gord!"

Richard Jones had set off his dapper little form in a frock of bottle-green, with bullet-buttons, by one of which the sides were united over his well-rounded waist, opening above, so as to show a jacket of red cloth, with an undervest of flannel, faced with green velvet, and below, so as to exhibit a pair of buckskin breeches, with long, soiled, white top-boots, and spurs; one of the latter a little bent, from its recent attacks on the stool.

He therefore removed his shirt and undervest, and tearing them into strips, he swathed the wrappings round his feet somewhat after the manner followed by the Spanish mountaineers. This done, he next had to ascertain whether the remaining doors between himself and freedom were locked or unlocked.

You won't see more than 'Man an' arm watertight doors! in your little woollen undervest." "I'm sorry for that." "Why?" He lurched heavily as his spurs caught and twanged like tuning- forks. "War's declared at midnight. Pedantics be sugared! Buy an 'am an' see life!" For the moment I fancied Mr.

It was all white, and cut wedge-shaped in front, very deep; but an undervest of crimson crossed the V in the midst and saved her modesty, and his. Her hair, which was long, was plaited in two plaits with seed-pearls, brought round her neck like a scarf and the two ends joined between her breasts, thus defining a great beauty of hers and making a gold collar to her gown.

After the application of the binder and napkin, comes the undervest; the fingers of the nurse are passed up through the sleeve to seize the infant's hand and pull it through; as soon as it gets a little older the child will grasp a finger laid in its palm, which greatly facilitates this part of the toilet.

What, then, would he require that compact little kit of burglar tools, rolled in its leather jacket, that, unrolled slipped about his body like a close-fitting undervest? As well to take it anyway.