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Snodgrass you have seen before, my friend Mr. Tupman, Doctor Payne Doctor Slammer, Mr. Pickwick Mr. Tupman, Doctor Slam Here Mr. Winkle suddenly paused; for strong emotion was visible on the countenance both of Mr. Tupman and the doctor. 'I have met THIS gentleman before, said the Doctor, with marked emphasis. 'Indeed! said Mr. Winkle.

'Sir, said the doctor, suddenly addressing Mr. Tupman, in a tone which made that gentleman start as perceptibly as if a pin had been cunningly inserted in the calf of his leg, 'you were at the ball here last night! Mr. Tupman gasped a faint affirmative, looking very hard at Mr. Pickwick all the while. 'That person was your companion, said the doctor, pointing to the still unmoved stranger. Mr.

Still he submitted to be taken about under Mr. Pickwick's patronage, but soon the mutual irritation broke out. The occasion was the latter's putting on speckled stockings for the dance at Manor Farm. "You in silk stockings," exclaimed Tupman, jocosely; a most natural, harmless remark, considering that Mr. Pickwick invariably wore his gaiters at evening parties.

Grummer 'Law, civil power, and exekative; them's my titles; here's my authority. Blank Tupman, blank Pickwick against the peace of our sufferin' lord the king stattit in the case made and purwided and all regular. I apprehend you Pickwick! Tupman the aforesaid. 'What do you mean by this insolence? said Mr. Tupman, starting up; 'leave the room! 'Hollo, said Mr.

Pickwick that he would not forget to pay, he shook hands all round, in an engaging manner, and at length took himself off. 'My dear friends, said Mr. Pickwick, shaking hands alternately with Mr. Tupman, Mr. Winkle, and Mr. Snodgrass, who were the three visitors in question, 'I am delighted to see you. The triumvirate were much affected. Mr. Tupman shook his head deploringly, Mr.

Pickwick, you are not going to leave us; surely Mr. Pickwick you cannot think of going so soon? But long before Mrs. Leo Hunter had finished speaking, Mr. Pickwick had plunged through the throng, and reached the garden, whither he was shortly afterwards joined by Mr. Tupman, who had followed his friend closely. 'It's of no use, said Mr. Tupman. 'He has gone. 'I know it, said Mr.

Pott's door, which door itself opened, and displayed the great Pott accoutred as a Russian officer of justice, with a tremendous knout in his hand tastefully typical of the stern and mighty power of the Eatanswill GAZETTE, and the fearful lashings it bestowed on public offenders. 'Bravo! shouted Mr. Tupman and Mr. Snodgrass from the passage, when they beheld the walking allegory. 'Bravo! Mr.

Pickwick's night-capped head peeping out, and the lean presentment of the lady herself, all, say, in wax, a la Tussaud. What a show and attraction that would be! The author's ingenuity was never at fault in the face of a difficulty. Mr. Pickwick was to be got to Nupkins' in a sedan chair, a grotesque incident; but then, what to do with Tupman, also arrested?

Pickwick and his friends, wholly unconscious of the mighty events in progress, had sat quietly down to dinner; and very talkative and companionable they all were. Mr. Pickwick was in the very act of relating his adventure of the preceding night, to the great amusement of his followers, Mr. Tupman especially, when the door opened, and a somewhat forbidding countenance peeped into the room.

Raddle, thrusting her nightcap over the banisters just as Mr. Pickwick, followed by Mr. Tupman, emerged from the sitting-room. 'Going! what did they ever come for? 'My dear ma'am, remonstrated Mr. Pickwick, looking up. 'Get along with you, old wretch! replied Mrs. Raddle, hastily withdrawing the nightcap. 'Old enough to be his grandfather, you willin! You're worse than any of 'em. Mr.