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She makes me think o' some carr'on bird pouncin' down on us right out o' the air." Mrs. Topliff sniffed and jerked about in her chair, having worked herself into a fine fit of temper. "There ain't no up nor down to this material, is there?" inquired Miranda, meekly. She was thinking that if she were as well off as Mrs.

"Who was that I heard talking with ye as I come by?" blew the captain very loud. "That was Mis' Cap'n Topliff; an' an old cat she is," calmly replied Mrs. French. "She hasn't been near me before this three months, but plenty of stories she's set goin' about us, and plenty of spyin' she's done.

Six or seven years, ain't it, Mis' Topliff?" "Yes, to be sure," replied Mrs. Topliff, with suppressed indignation; "but this we're to work on I had before the Centennial. I know I wouldn't take it to Philadelphy because 't was too good. An' the first two or three years of a dress don't count.

He always said a dog's capital was all in his reputation." "You 'll have to be dreadful careful an' not lose him," urged Mrs. Topliff. "Yes, sir; he 's a proper coon dog as ever walked the earth, but he's terrible weak-minded about followin' 'most anybody. 'Bijah used to travel off twelve or fourteen miles after him to git him back, when he wa'n't able.

"'I 'm goin' over as fur as Dipford Centre, says she. 'I 'm goin' to see my poor dear 'Liza Jane. I want to 'suage her grief; her husband, Mr. 'Bijah Topliff, has passed away. "'So much the better, says I. "'No; I never l'arnt about it till yisterday, says she; an' she looked up at me real kind of pleasant, and begun to laugh.

Ann was very particular, but I dare say it wore her out tryin' to take care o' such a houseful." "I'm going there Wednesday," said Miranda. "I'll spy round all I can, but I don't like to carry news from one house to another. I never was one to make trouble; 't would make my business more difficult than't is a'ready." "I'd trust you," responded Mrs. Topliff, emphatically.

Topliff was such an easy-goin', pleasant-tempered man, that I take time to remember others is made different." Miranda smiled. Her companion had suffered many things from a most trying husband; it was difficult to see why she was willing to risk her peace of mind again. "Cap'n Asaph looks now as meek as Moses," she suggested, as she pared a newly basted seam with her creaking scissors.

She's a good-feelin', ignorant kind o' woman, an' she needed the money bad," answered Mrs. Topliff. "If you'll never repeat, I'll tell you somethin' that'll make your eyes stick out, Miranda." Miranda promised, and filled her mouth with pins preparatory to proper silence. "You know the Balls had a half-brother that went off out West somewhere in New York State years ago.

Abijah Topliff, which had promptly run away home again after Mrs. Price had coaxed him over in the afternoon. The captors had tied a string round his neck, at which they pulled vigorously from time to time to urge him forward. Perhaps he found the night too cold; at any rate, he stopped short in the frozen furrows every few minutes, lifting one foot and whining a little.

'Bijah left property, if he did die away from home on a foreign shore." "You don't mean that 'Bijah Topliff 's left anything!" exclaimed John York with interest, while Isaac Brown put both hands deep into his pockets, and leaned back in a still more satisfactory position against the gatepost. "He enjoyed poor health," answered Mrs.