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“Well, then, if I may venture an opinionsaid Louisa timidly, “I should think it might indeed make a picture. The selfish earnestness of that Kirby over his fish would contrast finely with the the expression of Mr. Edwards’ face. I hardly know what to call it; but it is a is you know what I would say, dear Elizabeth

I jumped up from my seat, for she bored me beyond endurance, and a very young man then approached timidly. "Will you allow me to finish my sketch, Madame?" he asked. I remained standing, my profile turned towards him at his request. When he had finished I asked to see what he had done, and, perfectly unabashed, he handed me his horrible drawing of a skeleton with a curly wig.

"I hope he's got better ones. There wasn't much angel about me this morning when that mother-in-law of yours was here, I can tell you. I wonder if she'll have the heart to keep away after the baby's born." "I thought of that, too," said Sally, timidly. "If it should be a boy, I think maybe she'd be pleased. She always did worship Jim. That's the reason she hates me so," sighed Sally.

As he lay looking up into the white blossoms that swayed and waited against the clear blue of the sky, the lips curved in gentle content. His companion, who had thrown himself on the cool grass beside him, watched him admiringly. His glance shifted and rested on the book that lay on the grass. "What is it? What is it, Sebastian?" he asked timidly. He put out an inquisitive finger toward the book.

One day, in passing this same little house, Emily stopped a moment and leaned over the gate, that she might gain a better view of her favorite rosebush. She evinced the same interest the next two mornings, and on the third she timidly opened the gate and walked up the old path to the door. A buxom woman with a big baby in her arms, and a bigger one hanging to her skirts, answered her knock.

I obtained information on this point from Law, when he came to me on Tuesday mornings; for a long time he played with me before admitting his embarrassments, and complained modestly and timidly, that the Regent was ruining everything by his extravagance. I knew from outsiders more than he thought, and it was this that induced me to press him upon his balance-sheet.

He could not wait there; there was no time to be lost; there was only one other person who knew his expectations, and to whom he could confide his failure it was Kitty. It was to taste the dregs of his humiliation, but it must be done. He ran up the staircase and knocked timidly at the sitting-room door. There was a momentary pause, and a weak voice said "Come in."

Was the charge true that she was no longer a "Catholic," but a Lollard? And if so, in what did the change consist of which she was herself unconscious? That afternoon, when she sat down to read to the Dowager as usual, Maude asked timidly "Madam, under your Ladyship's good leave, there is a thing I would fain ask at you." "Ask freely, my maid," was the kindly answer.

She was standing there in exactly the same spot and just the same attitude as before, her head a little bent, her hands twined in each other, her eyes with the pleading, frightened look of confession turned timidly to him; but as he raised himself from the sofa, pushing back his hair and striding to the window as if to hide the fact of his having shed tears, she turned her eyes to the floor.

From the Socialist point of view, she was attacked as a blatant scold who had made her husband's life intolerable, until he had been rescued by the beautiful woman who was now his wife. By the conservative press, she was timidly defended, damned by faint praise and humiliated by pity. The children, growing rapidly, were beginning to feel the mother's position.