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At first he was unsuccessful because there were many Hussein Effendis in Durazzo. He sent an invitation to the American Consul to come over to tiffin and help him. "Why the dickens the Foreign Office should suddenly be interested in Hussein Effendi, I cannot for the life of me understand." "The Foreign Department has to be interested in something, you know," said the genial American.

This, unofficially, to Roy, who had secured leave off for tiffin at the Eltons', and had ridden forward to report his departure and inquire after the damaged hand, that concerned him more than anything else just then not even excepting Rose. It had been roughly wrapped in a silk handkerchief; and Lance pooh-poohed concern. "Hurts a bit, of course. But it's no harm.

Sleep comes to mine eyelids and I dream. 2d Moon 10th day Upon yesterday fell the birthday of our Beloved Doctor Ewing. Miss Powers invite all to eat Tiffin at Faculty house. At the hour of noon we move upward upon Faculty steps, when our eyes behold legs and feet, only, of man making entrance upon Dr. Ewing's balcony.

I am sure that many of them are quite as dark as yours. So you will pass muster very well." Before beginning to wash and change, Stanley had given Meinik the clothes he had carried down with him; and when he went out to take a short look round before tiffin for which the servants were already laying the cloth he found the man, now looking like a respectable Burman, standing near the door.

He had returned to tiffin quite unruffled; had vouchsafed no details; simply assured her she need not worry. Thank God, they had a strong L.G. That was all. But authority, in the person of Talbot Hayes, was more communicative in a flatteringly confidential undertone.

After making many friends among the good citizens of Tiffin, by whom he is remembered as a patron of side shows and traveling circuses, our hero suddenly set out for Toledo, on the lake, where he immediately made a reputation as a writer of sarcastic paragraphs in the columns of the Toledo "Commercial."

His companions could see that he had received bad news; but he pulled himself together and said nothing about it until he was alone with Mrs. Dermot in her private sitting-room after tiffin. Then he exclaimed suddenly, handing her the telegram: "She's on her way here." Noreen understood even before she looked at the paper. When she read the message she asked: "What's she coming here for?"

He even took off his hat and looked into it, then thrust his hand desperately into every pocket. "It's gone, boys," he said at last in a hopeless tone. "No tiffin for us, nor dinner, either. What is to be done? We can't get on without money. If we were in Amsterdam, I could get as much as we want, but there is not a man in Haarlem from whom I can borrow a stiver.

To be enamored of a countess, now A cigar, after all, was the proper companion of bold thoughts. At breakfast, recalling her amusement, he remained silent and wooden. At tiffin his heart leaped. "You speak English, I'm sure, don't you?" Miss Forrester was saying, in a pleasant, rather drawling voice. Her eyes were quite serious now, and indeed friendly. Confusion seized him.

In the quilez I laughed at myself for allowing a prying old man like Meeker to upset my temper, and, as I rode back to the hotel, put the both of them out of my mind; but promised myself that I would take my revenge on the old pest in some way aboard the steamer. My bag was packed again, and I was ready for tiffin and then an afternoon nap, to be called in time to catch the steamer.