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Dost think thee'st finished the door?" "Aye, sure," said Seth, with answering surprise; "what's awanting to't?" A loud roar of laughter from the other three workmen made Seth look round confusedly. Adam did not join in the laughter, but there was a slight smile on his face as he said, in a gentler tone than before, "Why, thee'st forgot the panels."

But I'm afraid she speaks without book. I want to know if thee'st seen anything." "It's a nice point to speak about," said Seth, "and I'm afraid o' being wrong; besides, we've no right t' intermeddle with people's feelings when they wouldn't tell 'em themselves." Seth paused. "But thee mightst ask her," he said presently.

A beautiful little girl!" "Yes, your baby is all right, ma'am," said the doctor, and then my Welsh landlady cried: "Why did'st think it would be dead, bach? As I am a Christian woman thee'st got the beautifullest baby that ever breathed." I could bear no more. The dark thoughts of the days before were over me still, and with a groan I turned to the wall.

"Thee'st not half so good reason to think as Adam 'ull go away as to think he'll stay with thee. He may say such a thing when he's in wrath and he's got excuse for being wrathful sometimes but his heart 'ud never let him go.

So let us have no more words about it." "Eh," said Lisbeth, not willing to show that she felt the real bearing of Adam's words, "and' who likes to see thee i' thy best cloose better nor thy mother? An' when thee'st got thy face washed as clean as the smooth white pibble, an' thy hair combed so nice, and thy eyes a-sparklin' what else is there as thy old mother should like to look at half so well?

"What dost say such things for, Mother, when thee'st got no foundation for 'em? Thee know'st nothing as gives thee a right to say that." "Then I knowna nought as gi'es me a right to say as the year's turned, for all I feel it fust thing when I get up i' th' morning. She isna fond o' Seth, I reckon, is she?

'Thee'st know soon enough, and the trio sat in silence until Julia entered the room. She was pale, and there were traces of tears on her cheeks, and Samson, as he glanced at her askance from under his heavy eyebrows before he rose, saw that she was struggling to repress some strong emotion. She advanced to kiss him, but he repelled her not roughly with his heavy hand upon her shoulder.

"And Morva," said Jim Bowen, with a smile, in which lurked a suspicion of a sneer. "Thee may say what thee likes about the old man, and the cows, and the cawl, but I know thee, Gethin Owens! Ever since I told thee what a fine lass Morva Lloyd has grown thee'st been hankering after Garthowen slopes."

But I made no arrangements for myself until my Welsh landlady came up to my room one day and asked if I had settled with a doctor. When I answered no, she held up her hands and cried: "Good gracious! Just as I thought. Thee'st got to lose no time, though." Happily there was a doctor in our street nearly every day, and if I wished it she would call him up to me.

"Ay, lad, th' old tale; but I shall get it done," said Adam, looking up. "Why, what's the matter with thee thee'st in trouble?" Seth's eyes were red, and there was a look of deep depression on his mild face. "Yes, Addy, but it's what must be borne, and can't be helped. Let me take my turn now, and do thee go to bed." "No, lad; I'd rather go on, now I'm in harness.