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Updated: August 19, 2024

On a peach-coloured divan sat Lady Narborough, pretending to listen to the duke's description of the last Brazilian beetle that he had added to his collection. Three young men in elaborate smoking-suits were handing tea-cakes to some of the women. The house-party consisted of twelve people, and there were more expected to arrive on the next day.

"You have found them out, have you?" laughed the American. "I always tell her that once a man begins on those tea-cakes there is no reason on earth, that I can think of, why he should ever stop again. All the same, I nearly overate myself the other day. That was because we had a late luncheon on board. It shall never occur again the late luncheon, I mean.

"We are going to be great friends," she said with a cold sweetness. Then the kettle boiled over and created a diversion. While Mary was still mopping up the pool it had made on the floor Sir Robin returned. His voyage of discovery had not been in vain. He had indeed chartered a hansom to make it, and had brought back fascinating things in the way of cream and tea-cakes and other dainties.

Take some tea-cakes up with you, and talk about going back to the Square as if she'd proposed it herself. We mustn't be hard with her just because she can't change, poor old soul. Socialistic business took him away during the evening. When he returned at eleven o'clock, 'Arry had not yet come in. Shortly before one there were sounds of ineffectual effort at the front-door latch.

"I can make delicious toast and tea-cakes and salad dressing can't I, Nell? and lots of other things." "Pluperfect. I only wish I could. I shan't trouble your kitchen, Mr. Starr." "But you can sing so beautifully, dear, and sketch, too; and your stories " "Don't dare speak of them!"

She's in despair at not giving you a sitting-room; she wanted to know if I thought you really minded." "Of course I don't mind. It's not like Leila to think I should." Mrs. Lidcote drew aside to make way for the housemaid, who appeared in the doorway bearing a table spread with a bewildering variety of tea-cakes. "Leila saw to it herself," Miss Suffern murmured as the door closed.

The breakfast itself was very nice too extra nice; for there was no bread and milk for once, but only 'grown-up' things a tempting dish of ham and eggs, and delicious hot rolls and tea-cakes, and strawberry jam and honey to eat with them as a finish up. And besides the letter from papa which had really come the day before and been kept till this morning, as, in his fear of being too late, Mr.

"On the contrairey, sir," answered the butler in the richly sonorous voice pitched a little below the normal register which he employed abovestairs, "the cook has had her attention drawn to it. There are tea-cakes, sir!" With a certain dramatic effect for Bude was a trifle theatrical in everything he did he whipped the cover off a dish and displayed a smoking pile of deliciously browned scones.

I told him I would give him my seventy-five cents from picking peas to pay for it and that Aunt Prissy cried so when her feelings was hurted, and she thought so much of him that she kept her frizzes rolled up all day when she hoped he might be coming that night to see her and got Maw to bake tea-cakes to pass him out on the front porch and he MIGHT let her have just that one little box of soap."

Honey, jam, brown bread, hot tea-cakes! Turly is so fond of sweeties, you know, Gran'ma." "Rather," said Turly, which was the first word he had uttered since he escaped with his life from the car. The candles and lamps were now lighted in Granny's handsome sitting-room, and a huge turf fire burned on the hearth, for it was a wintry evening.

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