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Updated: August 20, 2024

He had a sort of easy grace that betrayed the artist who, under the priestly robes, was longing to get rid of them, leaving them at his feet like a winding sheet. Some deep notes from the bell, like distant thunder, floated into the room through the cloister. "Uncle, they are calling us to the choir," said the "Tato." "We ought to have been in the Cathedral before now; it is nearly eight o'clock."

Present the enclosed order, together with my letter of credit and passport, which will identify my signature, and draw the money in cash. Return with it to Taormina and give it secretly to the boy Tato, who will bring it to me. I will rejoin you within three hours after I have paid for the ring.

Luna recognised him by the full pantaloons and the wasplike waist, which made the Tato declare that this particular cadet wore stays it was Juanito the cardinal's nephew. He often walked in the cloister, hoping for an opportunity to talk with Leocadia, the beautiful daughter of the Virgin's sacristan.

He had defied his mother, successfully, so far; but he feared the terrible old woman more than did Tato, because he knew more of her history and of the bold and wicked deeds she had perpetrated in years gone by.

"Does he not, signore?" "How do you speak such good English?" "Father Antoine taught me." "The monk?" "Yes, signore." "My child is a linguist," remarked the Duke, complacently. "Sh he has been taught English, German and French, even from the days of infancy. It is very good for me, for now Tato can entertain my guests." "Have you no Italian guests, then?" asked Uncle John.

"Yas," agreed Frances; "he saw Esau kissing Kate and Esau had to sell him his birthstone to keep his mouth shut." "Mother read me all about job," continued Lina; "he was afflicted with boils and his wife knit him a job's comforter to wrap around him, and he " "And he sat under a 'tato vine;" put in Frances eagerly, "what God grew to keep the sun off o' his boils and "

"If you refuse if you do not obey at once I swear that I will shoot your child, Tato, whose body yonder awaits my bullet. And afterward I shall kill you." As she spoke she levelled the revolver and aimed it carefully at the exposed body of the child. The brigand paled, and grasped the rock to steady himself. "Bah! No girl can shoot from that distance," he exclaimed, scornfully. "Indeed!

"It was lucky I lost that key to the trunk," he observed, still a little ashamed of his temporary lack of confidence in Tato. "It's been locked ever since we left Taormina, so the child couldn't be tempted by that." "She wouldn't touch your money for the world!" said Patsy, indignantly. "Tato is no thief!" "She comes of a race of thieves, though," Beth reminded her.

Then, taking Tato's hand, he slowly arose and left the veranda. For a moment the American looked after them with a puzzled expression. Then he said to himself, with a smile: "Ah, I have solved one mystery, at any rate. Tato is a girl!" And now Uncle John, finding himself left alone, took his walkingstick and started out to explore the valley.

She hesitated, and then added, softly: "I may not see you again. But you will not forget me?" "Never, Tato. And if you come to America you must not forget to visit me. Remember, whatever happens, that we are friends, and must always remain so." The child nodded, gratefully.

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