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"I had no intention to offend you, my dear Challenger," cried our tactless friend, "You can't be held responsible for your own physique. If nature has given you a short, heavy body you cannot possibly help having stumpy legs." Challenger was too furious to answer. He could only growl and blink and bristle. Lord John hastened to intervene before the dispute became more violent.

There are times in the lives of all of us when it bores us to be talked to of home or friends or wife or husband or mother or religion. There are times when nothing but a large, comfortable silence can soothe the worry and fret of a trying day. At such times let the tactless woman and the thoughtless man beware, because everything they say will be a bore.

"None? Another boy with none? Why none?" Penny admired the nails on his right hand and then said: "I didn't exactly learn it." "Oh, indeed? And wh-why, pray?" As though deploring such tactless persistency, Penny pursed up his mouth, laid his head on one side, shrugged his shoulders, and held his peace. "Had you, too, no time?" "Well, not a great deal, sir."

And thereupon the bibliographer fell silent, all at once. He had succumbed, yet again, to his besetting sin: talking too enthusiastically to outsiders of what was nearest his heart. Why on earth should a globe-trotting bishop be bothered about the mineralogy of Nepenthe? It was absurd: tactless of him. He tried to atone for the blunder by some mundane trivialities.

Didn't you feel and see that it was!" Jack's aspect now took on its air of serious and reasonable demonstration. "Well, you know, Imogen, you were a little tactless about her friendship about this Sir Basil." He expected wonder and denial, but, on the contrary, after going to the window and looking out silently for some moments, Imogen, without turning, said, "It's not a friendship I care about."

But the eye is intact; a shrewd, keen eye, accustomed to the penetration of a Northern mist accustomed to a close scrutiny of men's faces. It is painfully obvious that this sailor for gait and clothes and manner set aside all other crafts is horribly conscious of his deformity. "Got the toothache?" inquires the tactless youth.

Irene's absolute silence meant disapproval, perhaps annoyance. And Olga's remark about his ability to spare time had hinted the same thing: her tone was not quite natural; she averted her look in speaking. Idiot that he was! He had forced his company upon them, when, more likely than not, they much preferred to be alone. Oh, tactless idiot!

He was privately most uneasy at the Nigger dog's tactless move, and he hurried on about how Brother Paul caught the Shamán, and about the Penitential Journey told how, long before that, early in the Fall, Nicholas had got lost, making the portage from St.

She longed to know what they were doing, but not being one of those unimaginative and tactless folk who rush headlong into the mysteries of children's doings, she passed them at first in silence. It was only when she found them still in the same silent and expectant posture half an hour later that she said tentatively: "I wonder whether you would tell me what you are doing here?"

"Here the incident closed," as the newspapers say, but Rigby the tactless and the petty had shown that there was rumour concerning the relations of Byng and his wife, which Jasmine, at least, imagined did not exist.