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Stoddard motioned the Hardwick driver to wait, and called down to the carriage load, "I want you people to drive round by the hospital and send the ambulance, if you'll be so kind. There's a man hurt in here." "Did you say they didn't want to send him to the hospital?" she inquired sharply and openly, in her tactless fashion, as she crossed the sidewalk.

I shrank from sending her home to the tactless comforting of her aunts. They were excellent, God-fearing ladies, but they had never understood Betty. All her life they had worried her with genteel admonitions.

Madame Chebe, in whose thoughts Frantz had never ceased to be her future son-in-law, threw her arms around him, while Risler, tactless as usual in his gayety and his enthusiasm, waved his arms, talked of killing several fatted calves to celebrate the return of the prodigal son, and roared to the singing-mistress in a voice that echoed through the neighboring gardens: "Madame Dobson, Madame Dobson if you'll allow me, it's a pity for you to be singing there.

In due time he acquires the habit of doing the little ablutions and adornings Eve has taught him. If your Adam is very careless about these matters you may depend upon it that when he was growing up his mother was either dead or careless or tactless; and you may safely suspect that Adam in his previous state of existence was a forlorn old bach.

Bernard Strang had lost two brothers in the war, and Chicksands had no sooner spoken than he reproached himself for a tactless brute. But, suddenly, the bells of the Abbey rang: out above their heads, playing with every stroke on the nerves of the listeners. For the voice of England was in them, speaking to that under-consciousness which the war has developed in us all.

Ruth hastened to smooth over her chum's rather tactless speech, for Mary had been a different girl at that time from what she was now, and the memory of the hazing she had visited on Ruth and Helen annoyed her. "And what did meet us?" cried Ruth, dramatically.

"Bridwell!" he exclaimed, and rapped four fingernails once upon the desk. "Employed only this year in the English department." "Professor Bridwell," she continued, imparting a certain air of coquetry to her words, "your dress is frankly too punctilious for a student; and if I might be so tactless, you seem... more evolved, shall we say." Having drawn out the key, she beckoned him to follow.

Maria Consuelo could not or would not speak and Orsino did not know what to say. He thought of inquiring what the commission might be with which, according to her note, she had wished to entrust him. But an instant's reflection told him that the question would be tactless.

"I suppose you are going to marry my partner," he remarked. "Yes," she replied, with a pretty flush. "Are you surprised?" "I'm not surprised that he should wish it. But somehow I hadn't contemplated Lawrence's marrying." The girl's color deepened. "Are you very frank, or only tactless?" "I was stupid," said Foster with some confusion. "But I didn't mean what you think. Far from it!

Women are horribly tactful as a rule, and that is why men's society is preferable to theirs. If you tread on a man's foot he will no doubt forgive you, while admitting that the blow was painful; but a woman smiles and tries to look as though she really enjoyed it. 'Promise never to endure me in silence, said Jane, laughing, 'even when I am most tactless!