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Hannah was not an Irishwoman, no, nor a Scotch lassie, or her very first request would have been for us to take "a pickle of soup," or "a sup of thae warm broths." The soup was no doubt cooking for Hannah's husband and two neighbours, who were chopping for him in the bush; and whose want of punctuality she feelingly lamented.

Grace, when she found the feathers, which she had placed with so much skill in her mistress's hair, lying upon the table half an hour afterward "why, I thought my mistress was going out!" Grace's surprise deprived her even of the power of exclamation, when she learned that her mistress stayed at home to sup with Master Herbert upon radishes.

"One does not look at gift coffee in the cup," grinned the little man, obviously well pleased with himself. "But, if ever you two gentlemen favor my obscure dwelling with a visit, and partake of a meal, you will have a strict analysis with every bite and sup. There is a grocer in Battersea who used to tremble at sight of me.

We arranged to sup together two days after, to make our farewells, but on my arrival I found by herself, standing up, and pale as death, or rather as white as a statue of Carrara marble. "He is gone," she said, "and he leaves me to your care. Fatal being, whom perchance I shall see no more, whom I thought I loved but as a friend, now you are lost to me I see my mistake.

"However that may be, as I do not feel inclined to sup on grass or raw cabbage, and should much rather prefer a good round of beef and some bread and cheese, let us now take the shortest cut home," observed Ernest, who was getting hungry. "Agreed! agreed!" cried Buttar. "I don't think, though, that the hounds can be far behind us.

No one saw anything odd in the visit, nor in my being chosen to attend the King. But I knew; and I was not surprised when we stopped at M. de Gourdon's only to sup, and then getting to horse, rode through the night and the dusky oak woods, by walled farms and hamlets, and under rustling poplars rode many leagues, and forded many streams.

And will he not rather say, Prepare for me to sup, and gird thyself, and wait upon me, till I eat and drink; and after that, thou shalt eat and drink thyself? Doth he hold it as a favour from that servant, that he did the things which were ordered him? I think not.

In the gallery, then, just mentioned, Diomed received his guests. The merchant affected greatly the man of letters, and, therefore, he also affected a passion for everything Greek; he paid particular attention to Glaucus. 'You will see, my friend, said he, with a wave of his hand, 'that I am a little classical here a little Cecropian eh? The hall in which we shall sup is borrowed from the Greeks.

"Clothes!" said I. "This afternoon let us drive into Tonbridge, find a tailor, get rid of these atrocities and afterwards sup at some cosy inn." "Your gentlefolk brought you money then?" "They did," said I, and laying by my platter, I drew from my breeches pockets the wallet of my uncle Jervas and uncle George's purse. "Ha!" exclaimed the Tinker, rubbing his long chin with the haft of his knife.

The type of its simple and sufficing hospitalities is the seven-o'clock supper. Every one, in hotel or in cottage, dines between one and two, and no less scrupulously sups at seven, unless it is a few extremists who sup at half-past seven.