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Updated: August 5, 2024

Saepe implies, that sometimes they made a knot elsewhere, but often they fasten it there, and there only. See Or. in loc. This whole passage illustrates our author's disposition to avoid technical language. Cf. note, II. 2, 21. Innoxiae. Harmless, unlike the beauty cultivated among the Romans to dazzle and seduce. In altitudinem, etc. Cf. note, A, 5: in jactationem; A. 7: in suam famam.

Nec tantum Geticis grassatus proditor armis: Ante Sibyllinæ fata cremavit opis. Odimus Althæam consumti funere torris: Niseum crinem flere putantur aves: At Stilicho æterni fatalia pignora regni; Et plenas voluit præcipitare colus. Omnia Tartarei cessent tormenta Neronis, Consumat Stygias tristior umbra faces. Hic immortalem, mortalem perculit ille: Hic mundi matrem perculit, ille suam.

Victus voluntariam servitutem adit: quamvis juvenior, quamvis robustior, alligari se ac venire patitur: ea est in re prava pervicacia: ipsi fidem vocant. Servos conditionis hujus per commercia tradunt, ut se quoque pudore victoriae exsolvant. XXV. Ceteris servis, non in nostrum morem descriptis per familiam ministeriis, utuntur. Suam quisque sedem, suos penates regit.

But the privileges of an American scorn the limits of place; they are part of himself, and cannot be lost by departure from his country; they float in the air, or glide under the ocean: "Doris amara suam non intermisceat undam." A planter, wherever he settles, is not only a freeman, but a legislator: "ubi imperator, ibi Roma."

First, It may be referred to the preceding words, and so meant of prophecy and trying the doctrine of prophets or preachers, for we should beware in this matter of all which hath any appearance of evil, that is, from all things, quae ab haereticis in suam sententiam, malamque consequentiam trahi possunt.

Paulus, iv, 9, 1-9. Gaius, i, 145. Ulpian, Tit., x, 5. Gaius, i, 137. For an example see Pliny, Letters, viii, 18. Cf. Spartianus. Didius Iulianus, 8: filiam suam, potitus imperio, dato patrimonio, emancipaverat. If emancipated children insulted or injured their parents, they lost their independence Codex, 8, 49 , 1. Ulpian, Tit., viii, 7a.

Qui, cum ex eo quaereretur cur tam diu vellet esse in vita, 'nihil habeo, inquit, 'quod accusem senectutem'. Praeclarum responsum et docto homine dignum! 14 Sua enim vitia insipientes et suam culpam in senectutem conferunt, quod non faciebat is, cuius modo mentionem feci, Ennius: sic ut fortis ecus, spatio qui saepe supremo vicit Olumpia, nunc senio confectus quiescit.

Nevertheless he followed his instinct for the most part, rather than his reason. Sapiens suam si sapientiam norit. With the masters Ernest was ere long in absolute disgrace. He had more liberty now than he had known heretofore.

Government Attorney, how you have deceived yourself when, stopping at the first words, you accuse my client of mingling the sacred with the profane; when he has been content to translate the beautiful formulas of extreme unction, at the moment when the priest touches the organs of sense, at the moment where, according to the ritual, he says: Per istam unctionem, et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus quid-quid deliquisti!

Equi fortis et victoris senectuti comparat suam; quem quidem probe meminisse potestis; anno enim undevicesimo post eius mortem hi consules, T. Flamininus et M'. Acilius, facti sunt; ille autem Caepione et Philippo iterum consulibus mortuus est, cum ego quinque et sexaginta annos natus legem Voconiam magna voce et bonis lateribus suasissem.

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