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Miss Woodburn asked, "And is Mr. Dryfoos senio' anything like ouah Mr. Dryfoos?" "Not the least." "But he's jost as exemplary?" "Yes; in his way." "Well, Ah wish Ah could see all those pinks of puffection togethah, once." "Why, look here! I've been thinking I'd celebrate a little, when the old gentleman gets back. Have a little supper something of that kind.

The Fool turn'd Critic; acted at the Theatre-Royal, 1678. Several of the characters of this play are borrowed; as Old-wine-love, Trim and Small-wit, seem to be taken from Senio Asotus, and Ballio, in Randolph's Jealous Lovers. Fond Husband, or the Plotting Sisters, a Comedy. Of this we have already given some account, in the words of Mr. Addison.

'Sicut fortis equus, spatio qui saepe supremo Vicit Olimpia, nunc senio confectus quiescit." He was thus nearly fifty when he began to write, a fact which strikes us as remarkable.

A Papal force, in numbers about equal, lay encamped on the river Senio in front of that town. Monks with crucifixes in their hands, ran through the lines, exciting them to fight bravely for their country and their Faith. The French general, by a rapid movement, threw his horse across the stream a league or two higher up, and then charged with his infantry through the Senio in their front.

Miss Woodburn asked, "And is Mr. Dryfoos senio' anything like ouah Mr. Dryfoos?" "Not the least." "But he's jost as exemplary?" "Yes; in his way." "Well, Ah wish Ah could see all those pinks of puffection togethah, once." "Why, look here! I've been thinking I'd celebrate a little, when the old gentleman gets back. Have a little supper something of that kind.

"Hoc addam: Hie illa est senio argentata Columba Davidis, coelos hinc petit ille suos." This monument was erected by the bishop's eldest son, Sir William Dove, Kt., of Upton. He only remained here as bishop two years, when he was translated to Bath and Wells.

Quo confecto negotio, Ranulphus in patriam reuersus, scripsit, De legibus Angliae librum vnum. Fertur praeterea, et alia quaedam scripsisse, sed tempus edax rerum, ea nobis abstulit. Claruit anno a Seruatoris nostri natiuitate 1230 confectus senio, dum Henricus tertius sub Antichristi tyrannide in Anglia regnaret. The same in English.

Miss Woodburn asked, "And is Mr. Dryfoos senio' anything like ouah Mr. Dryfoos?" "Not the least." "But he's jost as exemplary?" "Yes; in his way." "Well, Ah wish Ah could see all those pinks of puffection togethah, once." "Why, look here! I've been thinking I'd celebrate a little, when the old gentleman gets back. Have a little supper something of that kind.

SENIO: differs from senectute in implying not merely old age, but the weakness which usually accompanies it. CONFECTUS: for the disregard of the final s in scanning cf. n. on 1, l. 6. EQUI VICTORIS: for the almost adjectival use of the substantive victor, cf. Verg.