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In the young man's hand was a black velvet cap, covered by a spreading plume of apple-green feathers. Round the waist, outside the gown, was a tight black velvet band, to which was fastened the scabbard of a golden-hilted sword. This extremely smart young gentleman was Sir Edmund de Holand, Earl of Kent, brother and heir of the Duke of Surrey, and brother also of Constance's step-mother.

The hopes and possibilities of the immediate future are the things that interest me. I shall read several chapters of Regeneration not merely one on my tour." "On your tour, yes. But for Mrs. Whyland substitute something else. There was a story you wrote at the farm the one about the girl and her step-mother " "H'm, yes," said Abner, with less enthusiasm than he usually showed for his own work.

The former sweetheart was his step-mother's half-sister who came to live at their house because the schools were better. He became infatuated with this girl and his step-mother did everything she could to encourage his feeling as she thought it would be a good match. The vision of his sweetheart in the flames was based on an actual occurrence.

And, having done so, by means of the very obliging person on the pier, he had determined that the daughter of Major Bonnet should have her rights; and he had gone to his own lawyer, who assured him that being a person of recognised respectability, possessing property, he was fully authorized, knowing the wishes of Mistress Kate Bonnet, to go to her step-mother and demand that those wishes be complied with; and if this very reasonable request should be denied, then the lawyer would take up the matter himself, and would see to it that reasonable raiment and the necessities of a young lady should not be withheld from her.

Bel "read it like coarse print," as her step-mother was wont to say of her own perspicacities, and put it into jingle, as she had a trick of doing with things.

Cornelia quieted a first impulse to resent this pursuit. "I don't think I'm very proud. I used to be proud when I was little; I guess you ought to have asked me then." "Oh, yes! Tell me about yourself!" Miss Maybough implored again, but she went on as before without giving Cornelia any chance to reply. "Of course, when I say mamma, I mean my step-mother.

When the girl's step-mother and step-sister saw this they hated the poor girl. One day it chanced that she was sent by her step-mother to the well to draw water. When the girl came there she saw a little hand held out of the water, and a voice said "Maiden, beautiful and good, give me your golden apple, and in return for it I will thrice wish you well."

The Duchess de Nemours was a daughter of the Duke de Longueville, by his first wife, and as she lived with her step-mother, the Duchess de Longueville, on very indifferent terms, her unsparing censure must by no means be implicitly received.

Don't you care for her any more, Douglas?" "Yes, I do!" "Have you ever told her so?" "She's too young." "No, she isn't, Douglas. You remember you told me she knew more than I do." Douglas said nothing; and after a moment, his step-mother said, hesitatingly, "Doug, I hate to see you dancing so much with Inez." "What harm was there in it?" "I don't know that I can tell you, Doug.

Courted by my step-mother, who regards him as the epitome of human wisdom; admired by my father, who says he has never before heard such sublime ideas so eloquently expressed; idolized by Edward, who, notwithstanding his fear of the count's large black eyes, runs to meet him the moment he arrives, and opens his hand, in which he is sure to find some delightful present, M. de Monte Cristo appears to exert a mysterious and almost uncontrollable influence over all the members of our family."