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The doctor was pulling on his thick driving-gloves, to depart. Granny Marrable was opening her letter already. "Bless the boy," said she, "he's writing to both his Grannies with the same pen, so they may not be jealous!" "You may call me a sha'arp ma'an for soomat else, doctor," said Mr. Barlow, locking his undelivered letters into the inner core of the new mail-cart.

Why, Timothy, how be you?" he concluded, smiting him on the back a downright blow, that would have almost felled an ox, as he was getting out the baggage. "Doant thee noo, Measter Draa," expostulated Tim, "behaave thyself, man, or Ay'se give thee soomat thou woant loike, I'm thinking. Noo! send oot yan o' t' nagers, joost to stand till t' nags till Ay lift oot t' boxes!"

Tak' these things awa', and let's have soomat broiled for sooper vary comfortable and plenty o' it at ten o'clock. Bring soom brandy and soom wather, and a pair o' slippers the largest pair in the house and be quick aboot it. Dash ma wig! said John, rubbing his hands, 'there's no ganging oot to neeght, noo, to fetch anybody whoam, and ecod, we'll begin to spend the evening in airnest.

Nobbut what theer's soomat endearin i' these yoong flibberties yo conno let em want for owt bit it's the use of em worrits me above a bit." Certainly all that old Daffady could do to supply the girl's wants was done.

She was spinning out the time. "Not he. Mr. Blenkiron's got soomat alse to do without trapseing after Jim Greatorex." "Oh." Alice's voice was distant and defensive. He was sorry for Alice. She was not yet broken in to the north country manner, and her softness winced under these blows. There was nobody to tell her that Mrs. Blenkiron's manner was a criticism of her young kinsman, Jim Greatorex.

She sat staring out of window, with her hands on her lap, and Daisy thought there was 'soomat wrang' but dared not ask. In saying good-bye at Euston, Mrs. Fenwick had kissed her, and given the guard a shilling to look after her. She was holding Carrie in her arms, as the train moved away. The girl had supposed she was going to join her husband.

Laura, moreover, had a letter from Bannisdale, and since it came there had been passing lights in Miss Fountain's eyes, and passing reds on her pale cheeks. As the girl approached her cousin, Mrs. Mason turned upon her abruptly. "Dostha want the cart to-morrow? Daffady said soomat aboot it." "If it could be spared." Mrs. Mason looked at her fixedly.

"An' 'ow 'bout t' women, Jimmy? There'll bae a sight o' nacks fer yo' t' wring, I rackon. They'll 'ave soomat t' saay to 'er, yore laady." "T' women? T' women? Domned sight she'll keer for what they saay. There is n' woon o' they bitches as is fit t' kneel in t' mood to 'er t' tooch t' sawle of 'er boots." Blenkiron peered up at him from the crook of the mare's hind leg.