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Father Somazzo appeared in the doorway and greeted the stranger politely, but with utmost reserve. "You are the brother of the esteemed Captain Brown, the father of dear little Willy," began the priest, noting as he spoke the dark features of the man and the striking resemblance which he bore to his brother. "I am the Captain's younger brother and the guardian of his son.

Father Somazzo could do no more than this, for he could not leave the house alone; and, even if he had been able to do so, his attempts to find the child in the crowds that thronged the streets would have availed nothing. Hoping that Peppo would join his companions and return with them, the good Father waited, but in vain. He neither came with the boys, nor later by himself.

"You come with me. I'll take you down into the city, and to the puppet show, and the fireworks, and everything else. We'll be back in an hour, and Father Somazzo, who is saying his prayers, won't even know you've been away." "He has locked the door, and will be angry if he finds me gone," said the boy, half ready to yield to the tempter. "He won't find it out. Quick.

George' will sail to-morrow morning, or the morning after at the latest, for Australia with three hundred Chinaman on board." Father Somazzo signed the necessary papers, then told of little Peppo's disappearance, and his conjecture that he had been carried off by a Chinaman named Lihoa, who claimed to be a relative.

At the very time that Willy was seeking for Joseph, Joseph was seeking for Willy, and, when he heard the voice of his red-cheeked companion, his black slanting eyes danced and his yellow face flushed with pleasure. "Hello, Peppo," said Willy, addressing him by the nickname which old Brother Onufrio had given him. "Come with me behind the camelia-bush where Father Somazzo cannot see us."

How often have I told you that it is not becoming for you to insist on having your own way. No, you cannot climb up to the dome under any circumstances. I forbid it." With that Father Somazzo left the small boy standing in the garden and followed the other missioners into the house.

You see here where I am the good Fathers will watch over me, and it will be enough if each day you but look at me and then fly away to Willy. But, dear angel, come to me when I am in danger and call for help." After this the boys returned to the schoolroom, and as soon as they were at work, Father Somazzo took his hat and walking-stick and went to the city to consult Mr. Black, an English lawyer.

Father Somazzo used to tell us to offer up many unpleasant little things as sacrifices to God for the conversion of the heathens and promised us our reward for so doing." Willy did as Peppo suggested and his thirst became easier to bear. Captain Brown who happened to be standing by and overheard this conversation most heartily approved of the plan.

That is another reason for my taking the boy away from your influence. Here is the official proof that I am his guardian, and I wish him given over to me at once." Father Somazzo examined the paper. It was legal, therefore he could not refuse the request, but he asked permission to keep the child until the following day to comfort him as much as he could over the death of his father.

Please, Father, please." Father Somazzo shook his head and said: "The ship is too far away for you to see what is painted on the bow, and besides it is too dangerous for you to climb up there. You might get dizzy and fall, and what would your father say if he were to come here and find you a corpse, or with your legs and arms broken?" "Oh, but Father, I do not get dizzy.