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"We're all here 'cept the fifth feller," said Tom Ross. "The fifth will come," said Henry emphatically. "Uv course," said Tom Ross with equal emphasis. "And when he comes," said Shif'less Sol, "we take right hold o' the big job." They lingered awhile over their breakfast, but saw no one approaching.

The latter exhibited the square knobbiness that only fashion artists can impart to the footgear of their models, while the broad laces that held them by the insecure hold of two eyelets were knotted in a bow that might have been appended to the collar of Mr. Paderewski himself. "Ain't this Mr. Gurin?" Sol Klinger asked, and the creature of fashion nodded. "You're a friend of the Kahlo, ain't it?"

Paul strolled farther, and saw a dark figure among the trees. As he approached he recognized Shif'less Sol. "Any news, Sol?" he asked. "Yes," replied the shiftless one, "we've crossed trails of bands three times, but the main force ain't come up yet. I guess it means to wait a little, Paul. I'm awful glad we've come to help out these poor women an' children."

"There, Alice, see what you've done!" Peggy said. "Oh, dear, oh, dear!" They sat still for a long time, and after this Alice did not dare either to speak or move. "Well, I guess I'll go home," said Mrs. Butler. "'A watched pot never boils. Mebbe you'd like some refreshments as well as Sol. Don't you want to go home with me and get some lemonade and cake?"

'What not know the sum about the herrings? said Dan, spreading his gaze all over Christopher in amazement. 'Never heard of it, said Christopher. 'Why down in these parts just as you try a man's soul by the Ten Commandments, you try his head by that there sum hey, Sol? 'Ay, that we do.

But Sol had unburdened his mind, and felt at ease again; not the less because he knew that but for his novel method of making peace, there might have been something worse than a sign in the house. It was a critical moment. There was a stir other than that of the wind among the pine needles and dry leaves that carpeted the ground.

As long as the public is uncertain either way, its suspense is more exquisite, the pleasure of the final revelation is more sweet. Riding home from the trial on the day that Joe made his appearance on the witness-stand, Sol Greening fell in with the judge and, with his nose primed to follow the scent of any new gossip, Sol worked his way into the matter of the will.

Henry noticed that Ross and Shif'less Sol seemed to draw themselves together, as if they would make every nerve and muscle taut, and then his eyes shifted to Mr. Pennypacker, and seeing him, he knew at once that the master did not understand; he had not heard the words of Shif'less Sol. "It seems that we are pursued by a pack of wolves instead of a war party," said Mr. Pennypacker.

They hauled his canoe out on dry land, and with the tools that they had found on "The Galleon" quickly made it as good as ever. They also quietly put some of their own stores in the canoe, and then returned it to the water. "O' course, he won't go comf'tably with us in our boat to New Or-lee-yuns," said Shif'less Sol.

Henry saw them through the screening bushes on the bank of the gully, their questing eyes eager and fierce. At the first trace of a trail, they would utter the war whoop and call the horde upon the fugitives. But they saw nothing and flitted away among the bushes. "Comin' purty close," whispered Shif'less Sol, as they rose and resumed their progress. "Warm, purty warm, mighty warm, hot!