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"Lord God of the motions Of lumberin' oceans, There's some of your notions Is handsome and free, But what in the brewin' And sizzlin, and stewin' Did you think you was doin' The time you done me? "Evil and good Did ye squirt in my blood? I stand where I stood When my runnin' began; And the start and the goal Were the same in my soul, And the damnable whole Was entitled a man.

"I'm not, John, I'm not, an' the parson knows I'm not. But if Tim isn't sizzlin', then the Bible's clean wrong," and the needles clicked harder than ever. "It teaches us the uncertainty of life," replied Mr. Westmore. "It shows how a man with great strength, and health can be stricken down in an instant. How important it is to be always ready when the call does come."

Leaning forward, she repeated the question: "Are you sure your stockings are not wet?" "Sure as I'm a sinner." Mrs. McDougal held up first one shoe and then the other. "Just the soles were wet, and their sizzlin' don't mean anything. They're an inch thick, them soles are. Them's McDougal's shoes." She held her feet out proudly.

"Sure, if ye's mane to git under way afore night, it's toime to turn out," replied Felix. "Don't ye's hear the schtaym sizzlin' in the froy'n pan?" "But it isn't light yet," protested Scott. "Bekase the lanthern in the cab'n bloinds your two oyes, and makes the darkness shoine broighter nor the loight," said Felix, as he looked at his watch.

'Tis a blistherin', sizzlin', roastin', wilderness av sand an' cactus, fit for nothin' but thim side- winders, horn'-toads, heely-monsters an' all their poisonous relations, includin' yersilf."

You know this 'Yours of the steenth just received' and so on may do for vice-presidents and gen'ral managers; but it's raw style to spring on your best girl. Take it from me, sizzlin' sentiments that's strained through a typewriter are apt to get delivered cold." "But I'm not good at making fine speeches, either," he protests.

Of course I dassent move to open the stove door, or stir it down, or anything no, I dassent make a move of any kind or a mite of noise in prayer time. So I sot demute, but in deep anxiety, a-watchin' it sizzle up higher and higher and then down agin, as is the way of syrup, but each time a sizzlin' up a little higher.

"I tell ye there's a lot o' common-sense an' kindness in the country, only it's so dum slow to git around; while the cussedness and meanness always acts like they felt the hell fire sizzlin' their hind-end whiskers, an' knowed they had jest so many minutes to live an' make a record.

Gibney's partiality for that form of nutriment in the vanished days of the green-pea trade. "Ham an' fried eggs an' a sizzlin' pot o' coffee. Thought a way out o' our mess, Gib?" "Not yet," replied Mr. Gibney as he rolled out of bed, "but eggs is always stimulatin', and I don't give up hope on a full stomach." An hour later they were tied up under the coal bunkers, and at Mr.

"Now," he continued, "go down to the spring an' fill this pot with water, an' I'll have a fire goin' an' some grub sizzlin' by the time you get back. The spring is about two hundred feet downstream and about twenty feet above the water. You can't miss it." Wilbur took the aluminum pot and started for the spring.