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'Yes, all over except for his father, or mother, or sweetheart, said the officer absently. The signaller stared. 'I meant the shellin', sir. 'Oh ah, yes; the shelling, Jackson. Yes, I dare say that's over for to-night, since they seem to have stopped now. 'P'raps we might see about some food, sir, said the signaller. 'Food to be sure, said the officer briskly.

"Well, some of us is right glad you ain't. A good woman can do just as much for this country right now as any man. And I don't mean by dressin' up in fancy clothes and givin' dances and shellin' out mebby four per cent of the gate receipts to buy a ambulance with her name on it.

"Dem Yankees shellin' de town." Mrs. Hunter was instantly at the bedside. The faithful doctor came hurriedly of his own accord, and employed all his skill. A few hours later Mrs. Hunter tried to say cheerily, "Come, Mary, here is a fine little girl for you to love and live for." "Aunty," said the mother calmly, "I am dying. Let me see my child and kiss her.

Some sort of argument was going on as the officers approached, and in passing they heard the finish of it. "You were pit there tae warn folk," a Highlander was saying. "Weel, ye've dune that, so we'll awa on oor road. We're nae fonder o' shells than y'are yersel. But we'd look bonnie, wouldn't we, t' be tellin' the Cameron lads we promised to meet, that we were feared for a bit shellin'...."

The motive of his Unionism, however, was neither loyalty to England nor terror of Rome: it was wholly and unashamedly a matter of commerce. "The English bled us for centuries," he would say, "an' it's only fair we should bleed them. We've got our teeth in their skins, an' they're shellin' out their money gran'! That's what the Union's for to make them keep on shellin' out their money.

I feel ill able to undertake the task." Aunt Hildy turned to hang up her broom, saying as she did so: "I'd like to have your sister Phebe give him a lecture she'd tear him all to pieces jest as easy as shellin' an ear of corn. I like to hear her talk; she ain't afraid of all the lies that can be invented.

Why they got as much notion how to act around a chu'ch as an unborn babe has of shellin' peanuts. Folks needs eddicatin' to a chu'ch like that. Eddicatin'? An' that's a word as ain't a cuss word, and as the boys of this yer city ain't wise to." "It seems rather hopeless, doesn't it?" said Helen, stifling a violent inclination to laugh outright. Dirty O'Brien was less scrupulous.

And it was a fine nicht last nicht, especially when the shellin' was gaun on! Especially in number seeven dug-oot!" There was a short silence. Number seven dug-out was no more, and five of its late occupants were now lying under their waterproof sheets, not a hundred yards away, waiting for a Padre.

"'How do you explain it that prices have gone up so? I asked. "'Why, they say it's due to an overproduction o' gold, says he. "'Looks to me like an overproduction of argument, I says. 'The old Earth keeps shellin' out more gold ev'ry year, an' the more she takes out o' her pockets the more I have to take out o' mine.

Yeckorus, most a hundred besh kenna, when mi dadas sus a chavo, yeck ratti a booti Rommany chals san millerin kettenescrus pash the boro panni, kun sar-sig the graias ankaired a-wickerin an' ludderin an' nuckerin' an kairin a boro gudli, an' the Rommanis shuned a shellin, an' dicked mushis prasterin and lullyin for lenders miraben, sa's seer-dush, avree a boro hev.