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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Wall," sez I, "you've did well by him, Selinda, and now if I wuz in your and Bizer's place, I'd try to look round all I could and git my mind off, and see everything I could see." Sez she with a deep sithe, "There hain't no trouble about that; there is enough to see."

We didn't stay long here, though, for Bizer and Josiah said that the air wuz that bad they wuz chokin', and that they couldn't stan' it. And Selinda and I a-feelin' that chokin' a pardner wuz the last thing we wanted to undertake, we went through it at a pretty good jog, and anon we found ourselves in Turkey; and here I found the Turkeys had done first-rate.

Oh, how dizzy-headed Selinda must have been! How skairt and how dretful her feelin's wuz! Sez I, "Dismount to once, Selinda Dagget." "No," sez she; "Bizer has placed me here, and here I will stay." "You don't know whether you will or not," sez I. "I believe you are a-fallin' off; and," sez I, "I'm 'fraid you'll git killed, Selinda; do git down!"

Wall, at the next place Josiah could not be restrained. It wuz the good old-fashioned New England house with gable ends, and here a good New England dinner wuz served. And sez Josiah, "I don't leave this house till I have a good square meal." Bizer felt jest so, and so Selinda and I jined 'em in a meal most as good as she and I got up to hum, and that is sayin' a great deal.

Bianky would much ruther had him run and save himself than to burn up; anyway, old Miss Bianky would, and I believe his pa would. Men are good-hearted creeters the biggest heft of the time, but failable in judgment sometimes, jest like female wimmen. But Selinda wuz firm in her belief. And here this day in Chicago she gin one of the most remarkable proofs of it ever seen in this country.

Sez I, "Do you git down and pull down your bask, and wipe your nose and eyes; you look like fury, Selinda Dagget." "No," sez she; "Bizer wanted me to ride, and I shall die a-pleasin' him. I took vows of obedience onto me at the altar, and if I die here, Sister Allen, tell the female sistern at Jonesville that I died a-keepin' them vows."

He had a tall white hat with a mournin' weed on't, and a long linen duster, and the wind blowed this out some like a balloon. He looked queer; but as soon as he stiddied himself on't he tried his best to reach the side of Selinda I'll say that for him. But the donkey wuz obstinate, and kep a-backin' up, and Bizer, bein' his legs dragged, kinder walked along with the donkey under him.

Here of all places in the world, in the heart of a Moorish palace, did my eyes fall upon the faces of Bizer Dagget, and Selinda, his wife. And I sez, as my eyes fell from the contemplation of art-decked freeze and fretted archways onto the old familar freckled face, and green alpaca dress, and Bizer's meek sandy whiskers, and pepper-and-salt suit Sez I, "Whyee, Selinda and Bizer, is it you?

And anon or about that time they made their rounds, and come back where Josiah and I stood. I reached up a handkerchief to Selinda as quick as I could, but she couldn't wipe her eyes or tend to her nose until she dismounted, or fix the gapin' kasum at the back of her waist. She greeted me warmly the minit her feet touched terry firmy, as one might who had come out of great peril.

And to the back of the Grand Bazaar wuz leven cottages, where male and female Turkeys wuz workin' at their different trades, showin' jest how rugs, and carpets, and embroideries, and brass work is made. As I said to Selinda, "Would you believed it possible, Selinda, if we'd been told on't a dozen years ago that you and I should be a-travellin' in Turkey to-day?"

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