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From where they now stood it was an easy matter to convey the lady to the bottom of the precipice, which was overgrown with bright grass, on which he deposited her. "There you are, my lady," said he. "Don't be frightened; I will soon be back again." And with that he scrambled up again towards the wedged-in horse. Henrietta gazed after him in amazement whatever was he going to do there?

Freed from that, his hoofs caught in grasses and thick weeds. Felipe's knee was cut against a rock; but at length the pony touched ground. He rose out of the river trembling, gasping and dripping. Felipe put him at the steep bank. He took it bravely, scrambled his way almost on his knees to the top, then stumbled badly and fell prone upon the ground.

"Catch me about the neck with your good arm, and trust me for the rest, brother." Brian did as he was ordered, since there was no time for lowering him down. The giant scrambled over the edge, gripping the twisting rope, and Brian tightened his lips to keep down his groans, for the agony was cruel to him.

You OUGHT, Dinah, you know you ought! she added, looking reproachfully at the old cat, and speaking in as cross a voice as she could manage and then she scrambled back into the arm-chair, taking the kitten and the worsted with her, and began winding up the ball again. But she didn't get on very fast, as she was talking all the time, sometimes to the kitten, and sometimes to herself.

Even the Colonel, after that first indignant outburst, had forgotten all about them. The advancing camel-men had trotted to the bottom of the hill, had dismounted, and leaving their camels kneeling, had rushed furiously onward. Fifty of them were clambering up the path and over the rocks together, their red turbans appearing and vanishing again as they scrambled over the boulders.

The men in the box-car leaned from the door, asking why they were stopping. "Come up here," yelled Andrews. "One of you men climb that telegraph pole and knock the insulating cap off. Then break the wire." A little fellow named Scott scrambled up the pole. Telegraph communications were broken ahead of them. "There's no telegraph station at Big Shanty," explained Andrews.

For he saunter'd about the town for an hour or two, hurting no man, but making a clean sweep of every sweet stall in his way; and was taken at last very easily, with his head in a treacle cask, by the bear ward and a few dogs. Meanwhile the pickpocket and I had scrambled out by the further bank and wrung our clothes. He seemed to resent his treatment no more than did the bear.

They tramped on steadily toward the low narrow line of green trees, and the sun sank toward the hills. The game trails converged at a point where the steep, eroded bank had been broken down into an approach to a pool. The dust was deep here, and arose in a cloud as a little band of zebra scrambled away.

She's playing for something else, though what is by no means clear. Let us have a look at the letter; maybe it will help." She stood beside him as he cut the envelope and he took out the single sheet of paper on which was an assortment of letters, set down separately and without relation to words. "What is it," said she, "a scrambled alphabet?" "Looks like it!" he smiled.

For the third time the rope grew taut, and this time the pony braced itself and the steer went down with a thud that carried clearly and distinctly to the girl. She thought the beast must be fatally injured, and felt that it richly deserved its fate. But after a period, during which Patches wheeled to face the beast, Randerson grinning coldly at it, the steer again scrambled to its feet.