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H'yer it's gwine on two year only sence de s'rrender, an' I'se got tree ob 'em sartain!" The speaker was a colored man, standing before his log-house in the evening of a day in June. His wife was the only listener to the monologue. He had been examining a paper which was sealed and stamped with official formality, and which had started him upon the train of thought he had pursued.

The people of the Scud shouted, and the savages sank again, to a man, as if it might be into the earth. "That was the Sarpent's voice," said Pathfinder, as soon as the second piece was discharged. "I know the crack of his rifle as well as I do that of Killdeer. 'Tis a good barrel, though not sartain death.

If it ain't your property that makes you happy, what is it?" "It ain't my property, sartain," said Mr Snow, with emphasis. "I know I shouldn't be any happier if I had twice as much. And I am sure I shouldn't be less happy if I hadn't half as much; my happiness rests on a surer foundation than anything I have got."

"Who you t'ink out-dere?" asked Pliny the elder of his consort, with a very significant look. "How you t'ink guess, ole Plin? You 'spose nigger wench like Albonny wise woman, dat she see t'rough a gate, and know ebbery t'ing, and little more!" "Well, dat Sassy Nick. What you say now?" "You sartain, ole Plin?" asked Mistress Smash, with a face ominous of evil. "Sartain as ear.

A sartain Briarthorn, as we call him in English, or Yocommon, as he is tarmed in Injin, took it most to heart, and we mistrust him of having a hand in all that followed." "Wah-ta-Wah went with her father and mother, two moons ago, to fish for salmon on the western streams, where it is agreed by all in these parts that fish most abounds, and while thus empl'yed the gal vanished.

The letter might be the means of preventing the garrison from falling into the enemy's hands." "Got dere, already. Garrison all kill, scalp, or prisoner. Pottawattamie talk tell me DAT" "Is this possible! Mackinaw and Chicago both gone, already! John Bull must have been at work among the savages a long time, to get them into this state of readiness!" "Sartain work long as can 'member.

Is it him that can't speak English, or me that can't onderstand? for one on us is a fool, that's sartain. I'll try him agin. "So I sais to him, 'He looks, sais I, 'as if he'd trot a considerable good stick, that horse, sais I, 'I guess he is a goer. "Y' mae, ye un trotter da, sais he.

One o' de fust tings I t'ought when I woke up and stared around to find myself aboard dat vessel on de water, was dat I had died in dat cell and dat de angels was a- takin' my soul across de Riber ob Jordan to the City ob de New Jerusalem 'cordin' to de Scriptur'. On'y you see, chile, I wasn't dat downright sure and sartain as I myse'f was a saint prepared for hebben; nor likewise did de man as sat smoking and drinking at de table look like the chief ob de angels."

"Well, Mr Tompion," said I, as the man approached, "how are matters looking here on deck?" "All quiet, sir," was the reply, "leastways as far as one can be sartain on sich a pitch-dark night as this.

"Well, even, the tongs and the shovel, won't stand alone long; they're sure to get on the same side of the fire, and be sociable; one on 'em has a loadstone and draws 'tother, that's sartain. If that's the case with hard-hearted things, like oak and iron, what is it with tender hearted things like humans?