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"If the dog ain't killed, Bones will be, that's sartain," observed Coble: "and I don't see why the preference should be given to a human individual, although the dog is the skipper's dog now then, what d'ye say, my lads?" Tum tum, tum tum, tumty tumty tum, replied the fiddle. "Let's hang him at once." "No," replied Short.

I know the girl just like her mother, never could carry her helm amidships, hard a port, or hard a starboard. She's mad now to follow him will go to Maidstone. I take her as soon as I go back to her. Just come up to tell you all about it." "This is a gloomy affair, Stapleton." "Yes, for sartain wish there never was such a thing as human natur'."

"Sarvants keep goin' round and round in a ring, slow, but sartain, and for ever, like the arms of a great big windmill, shovin' dish after dish, in dum show, afore your nose, for you to see how you like the flavour; when your glass is empty it's filled; when your eyes is off your plate, it's off too, afore you can say Nick Biddle. "Folks speak low here; steam is valuable, and noise onpolite.

"You ought to be in the Army," said the sergeant, as he put down his empty tankard, "a fine great body of a man like you. It's the best life there is." "I bean't so sartain as I want to be a sojer. I be a hindependent man." "It's a good life for a healthy man," went on the sergeant. "We'll talk it over," and he ordered another drink apiece.

There is not a boat between the falls and the garrison, except these two canoes, to my sartain knowledge; and I think it will go beyond red-skin gifts to cross in the face of two rifles like these of yourn and mine. I will not vaunt, Jasper; but it is well known on all this frontier that Killdeer seldom fails."

He got two out, an' he bit one off, an' he says: "Harve," says he, "I reckon we better draw fer him. The shortes' gits him." An' they drawed. Well, nobody ever knowed which got the shortes' straw, stranger, but Thar'll be a dancin'-party comin' Christmas night on "Hell fer Sartain." Rich Harp 'll be thar from the head-waters.

I never did before believe in anything of that sort, that's sartain; but it's no use talking about it, sir. I think I had better get a lantern, and get over this coal business at once." "Yes, yes," replied Mr Culpepper; "but you won't know how much coals there are: I must go myself and see." Bob Cross was soon ready with the lantern, and went forward with Mr Culpepper.

I saw 'er stop and speak to a policeman, and then she came straight over to me. "'I want to see Cap'n Tarbell, she ses. "'Cap'n Tarbell? I ses, very slow; 'Cap'n Tarbell 'as gone off for the evening. "'Gone off! she ses, staring. 'But he can't 'ave. Are you sure? "'Sartain, I ses. Then I 'ad a bright idea. 'And there's a letter come for 'im, I ses. "'Oh, dear! she ses.

"Though," she added, "I guess ye won't need my helpin for Cap'n Hamlin 'll see nobuddy teches ye cept hisself." "Is he here?" gasped Desire, her dismay suddenly magnified into utter panic. "Fer sartain, my sweetheart ez sent me word 's under him," replied Keziah. A noise of voices and tramp of feet at the outside door interrupted her. The marauders had come.

I sartainly myself does consider that that ere dog could not a have cummed into this here vessel by any manner of means natural not by no means, 'cause it's very clear, that a dog if he be as he be a dog, can't do no more than other dogs can; and if he can do more than heither dog or man can, then he must be the devil, and not a dog and so he is that's sartain.