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"He be d d," muttered the plain-speaking Injin, as long as I could hear him. As soon as released from his presence, Streak of Lightning continued his examination, though a little vexed at the undramatical character of the interruption. "Sartain no spy, eh? sartain gubbernor no send him, eh? sartain come to sell watch, eh?"

"Ahs! me; Well, it is an awful despatch to be standing here, alive and angry, and with the feelin's up and ferocious, one hour, and then to be carried away at the next, and put out of sight of mankind in a hole in the 'arth! No one knows what will happen to him on a warpath, that's sartain."

But, Pathfinder, I rejoice to see you among us again; for, though Jasper did not seem to feel much uneasiness, I was afraid some accident might have happened to you and your friend on that frightful rift." "The lad knows us both, and was sartain that we should not drown, which is scarcely one of my gifts.

So hit's the gun, is hit, Sherd Raines? The crowd turned, and Raines shrank a little as the girl faced him with flashing eyes. "So hit's the gun, is hit? Hit is a good gun, but ye ought to be ashamed to take all the credit 'way from me. But ef you air so sartain hit's the gun," she continued, "I'll shoot yourn, 'n' y'u kin hev mine ef I don't beat ye with yer own gun."

"Did you never hear anything whispered against the former life of this person, Deerslayer?" demanded Judith "Passing, as I did, for his child, such reports reached even me." "I'll not deny it, Judith; no, I'll not deny it. Sartain things have been said, as I've told you, but I'm not very credible as to reports.

"Oh! it's all right, Mas'r Harry," said Tom; "and if he's in here we'll soon rouse him out." For it was evident that he had interpreted the doubt that had found a home in my mind. "You think it will be here still?" I said. "Sartain, Mas'r Harry; and hist! don't speak above a whisper.

"They say that to meet with him is worse than meeting with the devil," observed another of the crew. "Who ever saw him?" said another. "He has been seen, that's sartain, and just as sartain that ill-luck follows the vessel that falls in with him." "And where is he to be fallen in with?" "O! they say that's not so sartain but he cruises off the Cape."

Besides, Judith, you're handsome uncommon in that way, one might observe and do no harm to the truth and they that have beauty, like to have that which will adorn it. Are you sartain you could find it in your heart to part with your own finery?"

"What'll you put up on your game, stranger?" asked Bill. "You don't mean to play for money, do you?" asked Peabody, a little startled. "Sartain I do. What's the good of playin' for nothing?" So the young Bostonian, out of his modest pile was tempted to stake an ounce of gold-dust.

"Our camp is known!" exclaimed the bee-hunter the instant he beheld the Indian. "Juss so. Pottawattamie see squaw, and go and tell his chief. Dat sartain," answered Peter. "What is there to be done? Fight for our lives, or fly?" "Get in canoe quick as can. It take dem young men half-hour to reach place where chief be. In dat half-hour we muss go as far as we can. No good to stay here.