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Nothing could have been more cordial than Dr. Derwent's reception of him, and he had but to look into the Doctor's face to recognise a man worthy of reverence; a man of genial wisdom, of the largest humanity, of the sanest mirth.

"You are overwrought," he said "Your own theories of health and vitality are not infallible! You must be taken care of. You think too much." "Or too little?" I suggested. "Really, my dear lady, you cannot possibly think too little where health and happiness are concerned! The sanest and most comfortable people on earth are those who eat well and never think at all.

Dawn lacked restraint in her emotional outbursts; the poor girl's state of nervousness bordered on hysteria; the water was nearly out of her hand in any case, and with a smack of that irritated divergence from lawful and decorous conduct of which the sanest of us are at times the victim, she pitched the dish of greasy, warm water fairly on the immaculate young athlete, accompanying the action with the ejaculation

She glanced from one to the other, smiling in the sanest fashion, but behind her smile was obvious anxiety and trouble. "They've practically decided to cut down the old pine." Bill sat up. He laughed at the tone of her announcement. But Helen gasped. "The old pine?" She had caught some of her sister's alarm. Kate nodded. "You can laugh, Bill," she cried. "That's what they're all doing.

The sanest man, coming from the very sanest and healthiest stock on earth, would almost certainly be subject to delusions under such circumstances. This is accident, not disease circumstance, not temperament. The injury to the brain is the result of a special blow. Grief for the loss of his son, and brooding over the event, no doubt contributed to the particular shape the delusion has assumed.

Perhaps the sanest view of the problem is that presented in Bliss Carman's haunting poem I am not, perhaps, very firmly assured of this consummation. Yet I am much more hopeful of one day understanding the Juggler and the Balls than of ever getting into confidential relations with Mr. Wells's Invisible King.

An epigram from one of the sanest and cleverest of our modern humorists flashed into my mind. Dicky and I had read it together only a few weeks before. "Heaven help you, madam, if your husband does not love you because of your foibles instead of in spite of them."

Lewis's eyes were laughing, but Leighton's grew suddenly grave. "Poor old chap!" he said. "He didn't know that time rots the sanest argument. 'Oh... that mine adversary had written a book, cried one who knew." Leighton sat thoughtful for a moment, then he threw up his head. "Well," he said, "we'll give up trying to find out how you got educated. Let's change the subject.

"I might prefer, sir, to attack McClellan first and then turn upon Harper's Ferry. But I see no madness in the other plan if the movement is rapid. Sometimes to be bold is the sanest thing you can do. It is necessary of course that the enemy should be kept in darkness." "Then, general, you will undertake the reduction of Harper's Ferry?" "If you order me to do it, sir, I will do it." "Very good.

You couldn't do anything for an artist who could do nothing for himself. His art was gone. The sanest thing for him to do would be to quit trying, go at some other form of labor and forget all about it. It might be that he would recover, but it was a question. Nervous breakdowns were not infrequently permanent. Eugene noticed something of this in his manner.