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Soames, placing his bag upon the floor, seated himself in a cane armchair. The room was cheaply furnished as an office, with a roll-top desk, a revolving chair, and a filing cabinet. On a side-table stood a typewriter, and about the room were several other chairs, whilst the floor was covered with cheap linoleum.

'You look as grim as the statue of the Commander, said Lady Bridget. 'What is the matter? 'Lady Bridget and I have been exchanging unconventional reminiscences, put it Maule with forced lightness. McKeith took no notice of either remark, but strode across the room to the roll-top escritoire, where he usually wrote his letters when in his wife's company.

There is the superior kind which dreams a condensed novel and remembers it distinctly to retail at breakfast, and there is the inferior kind which only carries away a vague impression of having vaguely striven to stride out and escape from some nebulous horror, or of trying to purchase a pound of golf balls at a counter which would persist in turning into a couple of parallel bars or a roll-top writing desk.

He was standing at his office window now, staring out disconsolately over the sloping lawns of the capitol grounds, mottled with thin patches of snow, which had contrived to withstand the recent thaw, and he was telling himself, for the thousandth time, the dispiriting fact that, as a force for good or evil in the destiny of his state, he was no more significant than his stenographer's Remington or his secretary's roll-top desk.

"Now," said a sharp, quick-mannered Jew, who was sitting at a roll-top desk near the windows, "have you even worked in any other store?" "No, sir," said Carrie. "Oh, you haven't," he said, eyeing her keenly. "No, sir," she replied. "Well, we prefer young women just now with some experience. I guess we can't use you."

And so that editorial office soon became a nest of confusion. The walls were lined with bookshelves and a quaint assortment of books, old and new, populated not only these, but the floor, the two tables, the roll-top desk, and here and there a chair. White paper began to heap up in the corners. Magazines "my contemporaries," said the proud editor began their limitless flood.

Several persons were in the manager's office, two lounging near a window, another talking to an individual sitting at a roll-top desk the manager. Carrie glanced nervously about, and began to fear that she should have to make her appeal before the assembled company, two of whom the occupants of the window were already observing her carefully.

"Why," I asked, "do you have two harmoniums?" "Harmoniums, sir!" protested the guide, staggered. "Those are roll-top desks." If only the floor could have opened and swallowed me up, as it opens and swallows up the grand piano at the Thomas concerts in Chicago!

He rummaged in the roll-top desk on which Nat Hicks kept bills, buttons, calendars, buckles, thread-channeled wax, shotgun shells, samples of brocade for "fancy vests," fishing-reels, pornographic post-cards, shreds of buckram lining. He pulled out a blurred sheet of Bristol board and anxiously gave it to her. It was a sketch for a frock.

Barney bewildered but happily pleased at so much company, sat on the edge of a chair and avidly watched and listened, not understanding a thing he saw or heard. At the back of the room, Johnny hunched over Big Jim Thompson's roll-top desk, working up a list of supplies he would need to repair the damages from the week's growing list of explosions.