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Your husband has a queer hunch-backed man-servant called Cucurullo; he looks like Guidi, I remember, the young poet who ran away from our royal guest the other day. The Cardinal smiled vaguely, and rubbed his chin with his ring. 'He is downstairs, Ortensia said. 'He is a good creature, she added quickly, fearing lest the great man was about to tell her something to Cucurullo's discredit.

"See," he said, taking from his vest pocket a magnificent ring set in an exquisite old setting inherited from his grandmother, and it had been her engagement ring. "See, Alice, let me put this on to-night." He took her hand it thrilled him as he had never been thrilled before.

There was a gas-lamp right at the spot, and I saw him as well as I should have seen him in daylight. I knew his voice, too; could have sworn to it anywhere; and I would almost have sworn to him by his splendid diamond ring. It flashed in the lamplight." "His voice! Did he speak to you?" "No. But he spoke to the cabman. There was a half dispute between them.

"I did not suffer any at least I do not remember anything except becoming unconscious. And I seem to have felt a pain like an iron ring around my head. But I am not insane, and this fear that I feel does not spring from my imagination, but from the real danger by which I am surrounded. I am very hungry, but I do not dare to eat anything except eggs, which cannot be tampered with.

In the old romance ofSir Degrevant,” we are told that at the marriage of the hero there cameArchbishops with rings More than fifteen.” “Lay doun thy cross, and thy staff, Thy miter, and thy ring, that I to thee gaff: Out of my land thou flee.”

She was swayed by his earnestness, by the thought of all he had meant to her in her dreams of yesterday. But to-day was not yesterday, and George was not the man of those dreams. Yet, why not? There was the quick laughter, with its new ring of sincerity, the sparkling eyes, the Apollo head. "Marry me, Becky."

But what are distances in our days? the steam-carriage goes from Hanover to Berlin in one day! I must away from the beloved ones, from children and old people, who were near, as it were, to my heart. I was astonished in the highest degree on taking leave of the Grand Duke, to receive from him, as a mark of his favor and as a keepsake, a valuable ring.

The church bell began to ring again, and its tinkle was lost in the air, like a feeble voice which is soon drowned in space. The candidates came out of the houses, and went towards the parochial building which contained the two school and the mansion house and which stood quite at one end of the village, while the church was situated at the other.

The first reason is that, accepting Laplace's theory of the origin of the planetary system from a series of rings left off at the periphery of the contracting solar nebula, Mars must have come into existence earlier than the earth, because, being more distant from the center of the system, the ring from which it was formed would have been separated sooner than the terrestrial ring.

"Get me a spotty calico, white, with a red dot, will you, the next time you’re over to Ervay? Buttons accordin’ to your judgment; but if you could get some white chiny with a red ring, I think they’d match it handsome." She frowned reflectively. "You’re sure one of them loose, hangy things ’d become me? Then you can bring it over Tuesday, when you come to the hunt."