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"But father is waiting for you, Stewart." So, however, was the sniveling old woman waiting! She had not presumed to break in on a conference with another of her sex but when the mayor turned from the lady and started to be concerned with mere men, the old woman asserted her prerogative. "Out of me way. Con Rellihan, ye omadhaun, that I have chased manny the time out o' me patch!

But Rellihan did not mind; right then he was opening the door to the returning Mac Tavish. "I routed Mac Tavish out of bed and brought him along to attend to errands. He will go and see how matters are below, and outside," proffered Morrison, courteously. The self-appointed manager gave Mac Tavish his new orders and added: "Inquire, please, if any telegrams have arrived for me.

Patrolman Cornelius Rellihan, six feet two, was lofty enough. He marched to and fro beyond the rail, his heavy shoes flailing down on the hardwood floor. Every morning the bang of those boots started the old pains to thrusting in Mac Tavish's neck. But Officer Rellihan was the mayor's major-domo, officially, and Stewart's pet and protégé and worshiping vassal in ordinary.

"It's the mill rule!" "But we are not here on mill business!" "Then it canna concern me." "Officer, do you know what part of the mill Mayor Morrison is in?" The Governor turned from Mac Tavish to Rellihan.

Ah er do we require a countersign in order to get out of the building?" The mayor was walking toward the private door. "No, sir!" he said, mildly. "I hope you hear that, Governor North! I was compelled to give countersigns to your soldiers quite emphatic countersigns. The new regime is to be complimented." Morrison threw open the door. "That's all, Rellihan! Report to the chief!"

He stood quietly and watched them pull on their overcoats. The Senator led the retreat toward the private door. Morrison dropped the captured bunch of keys into his pocket. Rellihan held his club horizontally in front of him with both hands. "Get out of the way!" yelped Corson. The officer shook his head. "General Totten, open that door." "No chance!" Rellihan growled.

Make the start to enter the mill, and it's my thocht that ye'll tell him by speeritual knocks or by tipping a table through a meejum!" "Lay off that jabber, old bucks, the two of ye!" commanded Officer Rellihan, swinging across the room. "I'm here to kape th' place straight and dacint!" "I hae the say.

"Keep everybody away from the door for a few moments till further orders." Stewart escorted Miss Corson into the chamber with almost as much celerity as he had employed in escorting Rellihan out; and he promptly banged the door. He walked slowly across the room toward the big table, following Lana, who hastened toward her father.

"And there's nothing the matter with my muscle, is there?" He gently but firmly pushed the colonel down into a chair. "Don't you realize what it means to have a United States Senator come to a formal conference?" "No! I never had one call on me." "Rellihan, Morrison will fire you off the force if it happens that a United States Senator has to wait in this office."

But I have tried another plan with you and it did not succeed. I had hoped that I would not need these assistants whom I have just called in." "Totten, go bring the guard!" North's voice was balefully subdued. Rellihan looked straight ahead and twirled his stick. "I apologize for stretching my special exception a bit, and introducing these guests past the boys at the door," Stewart went on.