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As to Rellihan, they did not feel like stooping so low as to waste words on the impassive giant who personified an ignorant insolence that made no account of personalities. They adventured in no move against that obstacle in their path, either by concerted attack or individual effort to pass. They looked like wakened sleepers who were struggling with the problems proposed in a nightmare.

He broke off the arm and the wires and flung them across the room. "There's fight enough on the docket, as the thing stands, without calling in another bunch to make it three-sided, sir! Rellihan, open the door for Mac Tavish! Andy, run to the public booth in the corridor and call Dalton and tell him to pay no attention to any hullabaloo by hysterical women. Tell him I said so!

I'm expecting some." Rellihan again deferentially opened the door for the messenger of the mayor of Marion; Mac Tavish had knocked and given his name. "It's all richt, sir!" he had reported on his arrival from his mission to the telephone. The exasperated Governor viewed that free ingress and muttered. Mac Tavish's unimpeded egress on the second errand provoked the Governor more acutely.

An intruding elephant might be evicted; Rellihan could not even receive the tap of a single word of remonstrance. It promised only another day like the others, with nothing that hinted at a climacteric which would make the affairs of the mill office of the Morrisons either better or worse. Then Col.

Morrison surveyed appraisingly the panoplied adjutant-general. "I'd never think of making General Totten an errand-boy, sir, if I'm to imply that I have any say in affairs just now." "You have assumed all say! You have put gentlemen in a position where they can't help themselves." The Senator scowled in the direction of Rellihan.

He passed hastily from person to person, the officer at his heels with ear cocked to receive the orders of his master as to the disposition of cases and affairs. Then Rellihan marshaled the retreat of the supplicants from the presence. "I do hope you understand why I attended to that business first," apologized the mayor. "Certainly!

"I'm breaking the rules of politeness and the rules of everything else, I'm afraid. But all rules seem to be suspended to-night!" "Totten!" the Governor roared, pounding his fist on the arm of his chair. Morrison gave the policeman a side-glance as if to inform himself that all was right with Rellihan. Then he pulled a handy chair to the table and motioned to Miss Bunker.

If the people get to laughing over what happened when Con Rellihan took his orders only from the mayor of Marion, it will well, it'll be apt to settle some political hash." "Do you threaten?" demanded North. He was blinking into the matter-of-fact daylight where Morrison stood, framed in a window. "Governor North, take a good look at me. I'm not a pirate chief.

As a satellite, Rellihan was constant in his attendance on his controlling luminary in public places, even though the luminary issued no special orders to that effect; Morrison's intended visit to the hall had been quickly advertised down-town. Stewart glanced about him and found Rellihan at his elbow. "Here's the honorable ambassador of Soviet Russia, Rellihan," said his chief.

"Be jing! I've been on the job here at manny a deal of a morn," confided Officer Rellihan to Calvin Dow, "but here's the first natural straight flush r'yal, dealt without a draw." He tagged the Corson party with estimating squints, beginning with the Governor. "Ace, king, queen, John-jack, and the ten-spot! They've caught the office, this time, with a two-spot high!" Mac Tavish played it pat!