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And it may be you will think I ought not to tell you the truth. I don't know, but I feel you will not misunderstand. I tell you my story, so that you may again consider if it is not better to face the world with the truth about Luzanne. We can live but once, and it is to our good if we refuse the secret way.

Therefore the States, doubting the furious rage of the people, conferred the authority upon his Lordship with incessant suit to him to receive it. Notwithstanding this, however, he did deny it until he saw plainly both confusion and ruin of that country if he should refuse.

"Just that." "We've been all over it! You know what it means to you to both of us." They spoke in low tones, careful that the man in the living room should not hear. "My dear mother," Mildred said, with a return of her cool insolence, "you display a confidence hardly warranted by your and our man-experience." She yawned slightly. There was a harsher note in her mother's reply. "He can't refuse.

I have been in many services, but I can show you no commission as captain." For the first time the Count smiled. "It is, perhaps, a sobriquet?" he asked, but with no offensive air or insinuation. "The spontaneous tribute of my comrades all over the world," answered Dieppe, proudly "is it for me to refuse it?"

Salisbury." "But of your own sentiments you may not be sure," said Lord Colambre; "and I see no reason why you should give him up from false generosity." "Generosity!" interrupted Miss Nugent; "you totally misunderstand me; there is no generosity, nothing for me to give up in the case. I did not refuse Mr. Salisbury from generosity, but because I did not love him.

If he refuse our suit, we will cut off his nose." 'A hoarse murmur arose from the company; every man touched, first the hilt of his sword, and then the tip of his nose, with appalling significance. 'What a pleasant thing filial piety is to contemplate!

And lo! one morning, Kupfer again presented himself to him, this time with a somewhat embarrassed visage. "I know," he began, with a forced laugh, "that thy visit that evening was not to thy taste; but I hope that thou wilt consent to my proposal nevertheless ... and wilt not refuse my request." "What art thou talking about?" inquired Arátoff.

He could not refuse her anything; this she asked of him was not easy to grant, however. "Where shall I begin?" he said uncertainly. "You know a great deal. There doesn't seem much worth talking about." "Begin where we left off " "Our boy-and-girl engagement? You broke it. Quite right of you!" She stirred slightly.

But he's got his way to make, here, and it is harder work than you imagine." "I don't see, then, why you refuse to let me his old friends help him." Miss Hitchcock spoke impatiently. She was beginning to feel angry with this impassive woman, who was probably ignorant of the havoc she had done. "He doesn't want any help!" Alves retorted. "We are not starving now. I can help him.

"I can't bring him to you," Ned said, "but I'll take you where he is." "And if I refuse to go?" "You'll go just the same." "A prisoner?" "Certainly a prisoner charged with piracy on the high seas." "You're a meddling fool!" roared the Captain. Ned paid no attention to the personal abuse of the angry man, but turned to Hamblin.