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Jack had great difficulty, he confessed, in refraining from jumping up every instant to watch the progress of the junks. "What do you say, Alick?" he exclaimed, suddenly. "Suppose we arm ourselves with the boat's stretchers, and the moment a junk runs up to us jump on board and capture her? It's the best thing I can think of to do."

After letting the chief of the village know that the news just received rendered it necessary that they should proceed at once to the next town but carefully refraining from going into particulars lest Baderoon should by any means be led to suspect their intentions the party started off about daybreak under the guidance of the Malay youth Babu.

I have seen these men on Sunday, in a fleet of busy "Sunday fishers," fish biting all around them, sitting faithfully, ay, and contentedly, with book in hand, sturdily refraining from what the mere human instinct of destruction would strongly impel them to, without counting the temptation of dollars, and this only because they had been taught that Sunday was a day of rest and worship, wherein no man should catch fish, and knew no theological quibble or mercantile close-sailing by which to weather on God's command.

Augustin explained, refraining with difficulty from a dance of rage. "The rudder, the sails, they are not, see you! They have locked all in the house on shore, that we may not go by night, you understand. And by day the ship of war beyond, Spanish it is possible, pirate for certain, goes about to sink us if we move! Ah, sacré nom, that I had never seen this land of swine!"

You see it in all circles, but the way it has taken that crowd is to show their intense loyalty to one another by a constant reminder of it in manner, and in refraining from criticism of one another, no matter how much they may gossip about others outside of their particular set.

She hoped he would not observe these last flauntings of the purely formal character of a grief that was being utilized to make a display of fashionableness. "You always bring out the best there is in me," said she. He stood silently before her not in embarrassment, for he was rarely self-conscious enough to be embarrassed, but refraining from speech simply because there was nothing to say.

Under the fire of the seventeen mortars in the rebel batteries, Anderson could reply only with a vertical fire from the guns of small caliber in his casemates, which was of no effect against the rebel bomb-proofs of sand and roofs of sloping railroad iron; but, refraining from exposing his men to serve his barbette guns, his garrison was also safe in its protecting casemates.

Then he told us how we were to be very civil and obedient on the voyage to those who were set over us, refraining from cursing, swearing, gaming, or singing of profane songs, on pain of immediate and smart chastisement; and having said this, and the chaplain having given us his Benediction, he gat him gone, and we were rid of so much Rapacious and Luxurious Hypocrisy.

She was a closer reader of social character than Victor; from refraining to run on the broad lines which are but faintly illustrative of the individual one in being common to all unless we have hit by chance on an example of the downright in roguery or folly or simple goodness. Mr. Sowerby'g bearing to Nesta was hardly warmed by the glitter of diamonds.

Refraining from all such barbarisms, I prefer to call the English race by the name which it has always applied to itself, from the time when it inhabited the little district of Angeln on the Baltic coast of Sleswick down to the time when it had begun to spread itself over three great continents.