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The gentleman scrutinized me closely, and, apparently, my appearance did not displease him, for he smiled as he spoke to his wife with the air of one who reassures a frightened child.

Emile anxiously consults the eyes of his young wife; he beholds them, through all her confusion, filled with a, voluptuous anxiety which reassures him against the dangers of trusting her. He flings himself at her feet, kisses with rapture the hand extended to him, and swears that beyond the fidelity he has already promised, he will renounce all other rights over her.

At the same moment the cannibal drops dead to the ground. In another German story and old warlock lives with a damsel all alone in the midst of a vast and gloomy wood. She fears that being old he may die and leave her alone in the forest. But he reassures her. "Dear child," he said, "I cannot die, and I have no heart in my breast." But she importuned him to tell her where his heart was.

"No one went," Siegmund reassures her, "but some one came: See, the Spring laughing in the room!" And he pours forth poetry of adorable inspiration, in explanation of the singular action of the door: Spring was outside, and Love, his sister, inside; Spring burst open the severing door, and now, brother and sister, Love and the Spring, are met!

He is in the country, at Le Mans, so that I am in a state of cruel uncertainty. Be good enough to answer me immediately and believe me, dear madam, Your very affectionate, Gustave Flaubert 4 rue Murillo, Parc Monceau CCCXV. To MADAM LINA SAND Dear Madam, Your note of this morning reassures me a little. But that of last night had absolutely upset me.

Cæsar has come accompanied by troops. Cicero names two thousand men probably at random. When Cicero hears that they have come into the neighborhood, he is terribly put about till one Barba Cassius, a lieutenant in Cæsar's employment, comes and reassures him. A camp is made for the men outside in the fields, and a guard is put on to protect the villa.

Silence reigned for a few moments, during which in spite of her ill-humor she ate heartily, with a good appetite which she had not the coquetry to conceal. Then he resumed, laughing: "What reassures me is to see that your stomach is in good order. Martine, hand mademoiselle the bread." The servant waited on them as she was accustomed to do, watching them eat, with her quiet air of familiarity.

But we ought to have more faith, and believe that the fine qualities are there war doesn't create them, it only shows you that they are present and we believe in war because it reassures us about the presence of the great qualities. It shows them, and then blows them out, like the flame of a candle. But we want to keep them; we don't want just to be shown them, with a risk of extinguishing them.

"Father! ... Father!" "My son ... I was afraid ... you were lost ... gone ... into a far country.... It would have broken my heart!" He said never a word; but hung his head upon his breast, and clung to my knees. When he raised his eyes to mine, their look was so piteous that I had to put my hand upon him, as one reassures one's child. So for a healing time we two remained thus, both silent.

"Not quite twenty-six!" murmured the voice; "at that age he cannot be a traitor." "Oh, no, no," cried Dantes. "I swear to you again, rather than betray you, I would allow myself to be hacked in pieces!" "You have done well to speak to me, and ask for my assistance, for I was about to form another plan, and leave you; but your age reassures me. I will not forget you. Wait." "How long?"