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Updated: August 12, 2024

The old doctor is confident to-day that his son will return, and Grace reassures him. "Yes, he is coming soon to us," she half whispers, leaning over the old man's chair. "Or else we are soon going to him. It may mean that, sir. Perhaps it is better that it should." "It matters little, child, if he be near, as near he is."

Angels and ministers of grace! what has happened? I have called General Sir Roger Tempest a beast, and offered to cuff him. For a moment, I am dumfounded. Then, for shyness has never been my besetting sin, and something in the genial laughter of his eyes reassures me.

Murray took up the sheet, glanced at the signature, and said: "Look at me; don't hide your face, that argues something wrong." Edna raised her head, and lifted her eyes full of tears to meet the scrutiny from which there was no escape. "Mr. Manning's signature somewhat reassures me, and beside, I never knew you to prevaricate or attempt to deceive me.

When John appears, and tells them what the captain has said, it reassures them considerably, and they feel better. Presently he leaves them, and seeks his berth, where he actually goes to sleep. Tired nature will assert her power, even under the most discouraging conditions. During the night the storm abates.

You should give me a recipe for going faster: and you complain of seeking a fortune! You! I have received a little note from Saint-Beuve which reassures about his health, but it is sad. He seemed to me depressed at not being able to haunt the dells of Cyprus. He is within the truth, or at least within his own truth, which amounts to the same thing. I shall be like him perhaps, when I am his age.

Your most faithful v.B. Brandenburg, July 23, '49. My Beloved Nanne! I have just received your short letter of Friday, which reassures me somewhat, as I infer from it that our little one has not the croup, but the whooping-cough, which is, indeed, bad, but not so dangerous as the other. You, poor dear, must have worried yourself sick.

Two round-faced, eager, happy girls, intent upon the play, and the great London star, beautiful, bewitching Lady Betty, who is now looking at them yes, actually staring them full in the face with her deep, melting, blue eyes, while she reassures her cowardly husband. How dared uncle Rowland disparage her?

Hitherto, I have considered property as a power of EXCLUSION; hereafter, I shall examine it as a power of INVASION. The last resort of proprietors, the overwhelming argument whose invincible potency reassures them, is that, in their opinion, equality of conditions is impossible.

Bewildered and kicking like beetles when they are turned on their backs, helping themselves with their hips and their elbows, some fallen on one side and unable to regain their balance, others raising in the air their little benumbed, swaddled legs, spontaneously they cease their gesticulations and cries as they see the door open; but M. de la Perrier's nodding goatee beard reassures them, encourages them anew, and in the renewed tumult the explanation given by the director is only heard with difficulty: "Children kept separate Contagion Skin-diseases."

But a moment's observation of her figure as she stands in the window without any support, looking out at the stars not up gloomily out at those stars which are low in the heavens, reassures him. By facing round as she has moved, he stands a little behind her. "Lady Dedlock, I have not yet been able to come to a decision satisfactory to myself on the course before me.

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