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Updated: August 19, 2024

En primer lugar, es un error el considerar que la intervención de la mujer en la vida pública dará por resultado la rivalidad de los dos sexos.

Indeed, if there is any phrase for which he, the apparent cynic, the sworn despiser of phrases, seems to have had a certain weakness, it is the word salus publica.

He, too, is one of the interlocutors in the De Re Publica. General View. The Cato Maior falls naturally into three parts: Preliminary, dedication to Atticus, §§ 1-3; Introductory Conversation, 4-9; Cato's Defence of Old Age, 10-85. After § 9 Cato continues to express his views on old age without interruption to the end, and the dialogue thus becomes really a monologue. Analysis.

The prisoners taken in the battle between 3000 and 4000 in number, including the generals Damasippus, Carrinas, and the severely-wounded Pontius were by Sulla's orders on the third day after the battle brought to the Villa Publica in the Campus Martius and there massacred to the last man, so that the clatter of arms and the groans of the dying were distinctly heard in the neighbouring temple of Bellona, where Sulla was just holding a meeting of the senate.

Si se ofrece a la mujer igual oportunidad de educación que al hombre, si se la estimula para aprender y estudiar los conocimientos del mundo y de la vida, deben abrírsela las puertas de la vida pública para que pueda desempeñar en ella el papel que le corresponde.

If everybody was thinking of the Res Publica would there be any need for bombs?" He pursued his advantage. "It's all nonsense to suppose people think of politics because they are in 'em. As well suppose that the passengers on a liner understand the engines, or soldiers a war. Before men can think of to-morrow, they must think of to-day.

After his exile in 58 and 57 B.C. his political career, except for a brief period just before his death, was over, and it is at this time that his period of great literary activity begins, In 55 he produced the work De Oratore, in 54 the De Re Publica, and in 52 the De Legibus, all three works, according to ancient ideas, entitled to rank as philosophical.

The last part of the sentence was undoubtedly true any functionary's wife has a certain importance in France, and when your husband has been Foreign Minister and Premier, you fall from a certain height, but I couldn't accept the first part, that my life would be necessarily dull because I was no longer what one of my friends said in Italy, speaking of a minister's wife, a donna publica.

Now when the dwellers in the houses of the Vita Publica first gained knowledge that this old man passed every night with his lanthorn up and down their street, and when they marked those pallid gleams gliding over the motley prospect of cesspools and garden gates, over the sightless hovels and the rich-carved frontages of their palaces; or saw them stay their journey and remain suspended like a handful of daffodils held up against the black stuffs of secrecy they said: "It is good that the old man should pass like this we shall see better where we're going; and if the Watch have any job on hand, or want to put the pavements in order, his lanthorn will serve their purpose well enough."

The dwelling of the Superintendent of Public Buildings represented a temple with this illuminated inscription, Vota publica fausto hymeneo, "The wishes of the public for the happy marriage." The famous engineer Melzel had devised an ingenious decoration.

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