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QUIBUS ME IPSUM: strictly speaking the construction is inaccurate, since suspicor commoveri must be supplied, and Cicero does not really mean to say that he merely conjectures himself to be seriously affected by the state of public affairs; ego ipse commoveor would have accurately expressed his meaning. The accusative is due to the attraction of te above. MAIOR: = difficilior as often; e.g.

In view of Cicero's treatise, the Cato Maior, it is necessary to say something of Cato's relations with the Greeks and Greek literature. The ancients give us merely vague statements that he only began to learn Greek 'in his old age. The expression must be liberally interpreted if, as seems clear, the whole of his writings showed the influence of Greek literature.

Then, too, the former was more popular. The style of Aristotle had been imitated by Theophrastus and many other writers down to Cicero's time, while that of Plato had found hardly any imitators. The editors of the Cato Maior have generally assumed that Cicero attempted to give an antique coloring to the diction of the dialogue in order to remind readers of Cato's own style.

Qui ius iurandum servat, quovis pervenit. Ubi peccat aetas maior, male discit minor. I have quoted these to show that Roman children were not without opportunity even in early schooldays of laying to heart much that might lead them to good and generous conduct in later life, as well as to practical wisdom.

The view of the divine origin and destiny of the human soul contained in the passage from the Phaedo is rendered by Cicero in many of his works, and was held by him with quite a religious fervor and sincerity. Besides these instances of special indebtedness Cicero, in composing the Cato Maior, was no doubt under obligations of a more general kind to the Greeks.

And so I bid you farewell. From the Court the 11. of March. 1582. Your louing Friend, FRANCIS WALSINGHAM. III. A letter of Sir Francis Walsingham to Master Thomas Aldworth merchant, and at that time Maior of the Citie of Bristoll, concerning their aduenture in the Westerne discouerie.

"When bucks to dinner go, And cits to sup," The Maior, as far as the bridge of Vallé, was navigable for the small craft from Lisbon, so that our table, while we remained there, cut as respectable a figure, as regular supplies of rice, salt fish, and potatoes could make it; not to mention that our pig-skin was, at all times, at least three parts full of a common red wine, which used to be dignified by the name of black-strap.

The downfall of the old constitution had overwhelmed him with sorrow, and his brief outburst of joy over Caesar's death had been quickly succeeded by disgust and alarm at the proceedings of Antonius. The deep wound caused by his daughter's death was still unhealed. It is easy to catch in the Cato Maior some echoes of his grief for her.

From the Citie of London, the 20. of Iuly, 1584. At the seruice of your highnesse, for and in the name of our whole company trading into Turkie, I Maior of London. Edward Osburne.

He was probably eye-witness of that ceremony; for he says, "the king was of the maior and his citizens met at Harnesey parke, the maior and his brethren being clothed in scarlet, and the citizens in violet, to the number of V.C. horses, and than from thence conveyed unto the citie, the king beynge in blewe velvet, and all his lords and servauntes in blacke cloth." p. 513.

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