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One does not make two hundred and seventy-seven runs on a hot day without feeling the effects, even if one has scored mainly by the medium of boundaries; and Mike, as he lay back in Psmith's deck chair, felt that all he wanted was to go to bed and stay there for a week. His hands and arms burned as if they were red-hot, and his eyes were so tired that he could not keep them open.

At first it looked as if they meant to knock off the runs, for Strachan forced the game from the first ball, which was Psmith's, and which he hit into the pavilion. But, at fifteen, Adair bowled him. And when, two runs later, Psmith got the next man stumped, and finished up his over with a c-and-b, Wrykyn decided that it was not good enough.

Now, possibly, in your case 'In my case, interrupted Mike, 'there was none of that rot. Bickersdyke wasn't putting it on. He meant every word. Why, dash it all, you know yourself he'd be only too glad to sack me, just to get some of his own back with me. Psmith's eyes opened in pained surprise. 'Get some of his own back! he repeated.

In his capacity of manager of the bank he could not take official notice of Psmith's behaviour outside office hours, especially as Psmith had done nothing but stare at him. It would be impossible to make anybody understand the true inwardness of Psmith's stare.

He looked round the company, met Psmith's eye-glass, was transfixed by it for a moment, and finally turned again to Billy Windsor. "Say!" he said, and paused. "Obliged," he added. He shifted the cat on to his left arm, and extended his right hand to Billy. "Shake!" he said. Billy did so. Mr. Jarvis continued to stand and whistle for a few moments more.

"I thought I knew the face. Comrade Repetto, this is a treat. Have you come bringing me a new hat?" The white-haired leader's face, as he spoke, was within a few inches of his own. Psmith's observant eye noted that the bruise still lingered on the chin where Kid Brady's upper-cut had landed at their previous meeting.

"Of course, Smith, of course," said the headmaster hurriedly, "I did not mean to suggest quite so, quite so. ... You think, then, that you confessed to an act which you had not committed purely from some sudden impulse which you cannot explain?" "Strictly between ourselves, sir ..." Privately, the headmaster found Psmith's man-to-man attitude somewhat disconcerting, but he said nothing.

"Of course, Smith, of course," said the headmaster hurriedly, "I did not mean to suggest quite so, quite so.... You think, then, that you confessed to an act which you had not committed purely from some sudden impulse which you cannot explain?" "Strictly between ourselves, sir " Privately, the headmaster found Psmith's man-to-man attitude somewhat disconcerting, but he said nothing.

His others which he could were numerous. His clothes were cut in a way that harrowed Psmith's sensitive soul every time he looked at them. The fact that he wore detachable cuffs, which he took off on beginning work and stacked in a glistening pile on the desk in front of him, was no proof of innate viciousness of disposition, but it prejudiced the Old Etonian against him.

Last year in a house match" Psmith's voice took on a deeper tone of melancholy "I took seven for thirteen in the second innings on a hard wicket. I did think, when I came here, that I had found a haven of rest, but it was not to be. I turn out tomorrow. What Comrade Outwood will say, when he finds that his keenest archaeological disciple has deserted, I hate to think. However ..."