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I went to fetch them, and got them safely, though the drunkards tried to stop me, and said that they only wanted me to sing them a song to be as happy as kings. However, I got away from them, and carried my belongings aft. I then took the tarpaulin boat-rug, which covered our little Norwegian pram or skiff, on its chocks between the masts.

They might have figured that tying up in plain sight was the best way of hiding their boat. It would have been, if prams had been more common. He motioned to Scotty. "Let's go. No sign of the pram." Barby rose instantly. "Can we go with you?" Rick considered, then nodded. He could see no objection to taking them on what could only be a short plane trip.

R and P , notwithstanding the difficulty of throwing their flies daintily, from the uneasy motion of the pram, discovered another more serious obstacle to this united possession of the same pram; for, now and then, P 's silver pheasant fly would buz very close to R 's right ear, and R 's white moth fly would hover around and settle at last on P 's pepper-and-salt cloth cap, and whisk it into the water.

Whether it was a parlour lecture on Did a Chinese Monk Visit America a Thousand Years before Columbus? or a Baby Party at which Beatrice and Gay dressed as twins and were wheeled about in a white pram by Trudy, dressed as a French bonne the reaction was one of depression and defeat.

"I was!" said Jim. "The blessed old pram turned clean over and cast me bodily into a hole. That was all I knew until I tried to get out, and found the pram had come, too, and was right on top of me and do you think I could move that blessed thing?" "Well?" "In came Norah," said Jim. I came up, spluttering, to see Norah, looking very white, just preparing to dive in after me!"

As regards food almost an unlimited supply of biscuit was available, and during a walk to Pram Point on Monday, March 6, Scott and Wilson found that the sea-ice in Pram Point Bay had not gone out and was crowded with seals, a happy find that guaranteed the party as much meat as they wanted. Wilson as usual leads in the making of useful suggestions and in generally providing for our wants.

They really are partners, in a used-car business. Sorry, Rick. Looks like another dead end. The Coast Guard drew a blank this time." "But there isn't another pram within miles of Spindrift," Rick objected. "All right. We'll be keeping an eye on these people, but we have no grounds for any action. Any luck with the barber?" "We haven't tried yet," Rick told him. "Tomorrow's the day.

P , too, no longer retained that upright, soldierly attitude for which I had always admired him, but leaned so much backwards, that, should the good rod, I thought, give way, nothing on earth can save him from falling on the hinder part of his head. R wound up his line, and sat down in his pram to watch P .

What did it feel like to push that "pram"? Would she drink tea from the Indian Tree cups and be allowed to strum on the piano? Oh, I wished she hadn't come! And yet anyway, I was glad I was a boy. As Fate had it, Angel and The Seraph had to have their hair trimmed that afternoon. My own straight blond crop grew but slowly so I was free for an hour to follow my own devices.

"How beautiful!" said Dickie, wriggling with delight. This life of the rabbit, as described by Mr. Beale, was the child's first glimpse of freedom. "I'd like to be a rabbit." "You much better be my little nipper," said Beale. "Steady on, mate. 'Ow'm I to wheel the bloomin' pram if you goes on like as if you was a bag of eels?"