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Updated: August 16, 2024

He got so, after that when we came in his saloon, in a gang, he would say, "Poys, of you dondt gif any jeers fun dot Union, I set'em oop," and we would swallow our cheers for the Union, and his beer.

Had they had any distance to go, they would probably have drawn a crowd after them; as it was, they reached Johnny's quarters without attracting any special attention. "Now," said the breathless florist when he had his captive safely within the shelter of the shop, "now, vat is your pusiness mit Tony? Tony is my scharge, an' I don' let him talks mit poys what shteals what don' pelongs to dem.

Gome on, poys, led's ged do vork; we haven'd done moosh dese lasd dwo days, und id von'd hurd us. Shoomp ub dere, zome of you und ged de sholly-boad oud of dad!" "Now," thought I, "what sort of a craft is this that I've blundered aboard of? She's Liberty Hall afloat, by the look of it Jack as good as his master!

You see, when the watter came on him so strong that his hoose began to slup away, he took two of his oxen an' he tied them together wi' ropes, an' put planks on their backs, which he also tied; ay! an' so he made a sort of livin' stage, on which he sat his wife and four children; two of them wass poys and the other two wass girls, whatever.

Engelmann, the brigade commander, came galloping up, and stopped about opposite the front of the regiment. Maj. Ohr, our regimental commander, who was in the rear of the regiment on foot, walked out to meet him. Engelmann was a German, and a splendid officer. "Goot morning, Major," he said, in a loud voice we all heard. "How are de poys?"

The consul saw in a flash the full military significance of this logic, and could not repress a smile. At which Captain Christian dropped easily into a chair beside him, and as easily into broken German English: "Und," he went on, "dees town dees Schlachtstadt is fine town, eh? Fine womens? Goot men? Und peer and sausage? Blenty to eat and trink, eh? Und you und te poys haf a gay times?"

"All right," answered the Major; "we had rather a chilly night, but are feeling first rate now." "Dat iss goot," responded the Colonel; and continued in his loud tone, "our friends are right out here in de bush; I reckon dey'll show up presently. Maybe so dey will give us a touch of deir artillery practice, but dat hurts nobody. Shoost have de poys keep cool."

Dey vill preak dare little necks. Joost see how dey run! But de tog is de pest runner of dem poys, egsept de vootchuck." Mr. Hamburger did not run. Nobody had ever seen him do any such thing as that. But he walked on across the pasture-lot, toward the deep ravine that cut through the side of the hill to the valley.

The monopoly of tea, is, I dare say, but a small part of the plan they have formed to strip us of our property. But thank God we are not Sea Poys, nor Marattas, but British subjects, who are born to liberty, who know its worth, and who prize it high."

But I tells her all times how my leetle poys is goot, how they makes for her the work, und the dinner, und the beds. Und now she says she will marry mit me und I'm a loafer on a beautiful yonge uptown lady." The wild gesticulations of Mr. Diamantstein during this account of his courtship and of its triumphant conclusion were wonderful to see.

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