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D'ye hear about a man being murdered to-day with his face cut up? Oh, you did eh? Well, I happen to know that man was the Spider, and one of these days, mabbe, the police'll tumble to who it was, too. Get me? Suppose I call some of that gang back, and show 'em the painting you've done along the hall eh?

The pause was longer, then the voice came breathless, shaken: "What in hell do you mean by this gibberish?" "I guess that's all right. You don't need to play any baby business. You know now and I know, and by tomorrow evening the Express company and the police'll know." A stammering of oaths came along the wire, a burst of maledictions, interspersed by threats.

It's supposed to be part of a letter about some big plan that's to be pulled off, and it's signed `Mac. That's for McCormick, of course. I had to type it, not having any sample of his handwriting. The other piece is a drawing; there's no marks to show what it is, but of course the police'll soon find out. It's a plan of old Ackerman's home, and there's a cross mark showing his sleeping-porch.

And he didn't recognise me-twenty-five years since we met before! It would be better if he went under the sod. Is he pretty sick, father?" "He will die unless the surgeon's knife it cure him before twenty-four hours, and " "And Doctor Brydon is sick, and Doctor Hadley away at Winnipeg, and this is two hundred miles from nowhere! It looks as if the police'll never get him, eh?"

"The police hold warrants for the two men we've been chiefly talking about," replied Sir Cresswell. "Well let your honour come on a bit later with not more than three police plain-clothes fellows as far as High Nick," said Spurge. "The police'll know where that is.

He's with his frinds an' they're manny iv thim an' he's rowlin' th' beer kegs himsilf an' Westhren Civilization is down in th' laundhry wondhrin' whin th' police'll come along."

The police'll be there waitin' for you, 'cos I told 'em you was comin'. I didn't want you to be a thief, David; I done it for your sake. Oh, David, David!" David's face was livid and his clenched fist was raised to strike, but Patsy and his crutches lay in a little huddled heap at David's feet. When the child opened his eyes again, the men were gone and he and his brother were alone.

If we turn them loose, the police'll find them sooner or later. If we shoot them, it's over and done with, and even if anyone does wander in here by accident he's not going to come this way. If we let them roam about the valley, they naturally go over to the other side where the grass is, and the first fool that blundered in would see them and begin to wonder how they got there.

Lisle would go to the yard behind the house, which was common to two or three besides No. 13, and with one foot on a projecting bit of brick-work could get his hand on the sill and make his signal. "Some day the police'll take you for a burglar," said Lydia encouragingly. "Well, go and enjoy yourself." "It is a shame to keep you up so long, isn't it? What do you do all the time, eh, Lydia?"

He put the key hastily in his pocket and hurried toward the two. "You shan't! You shan't! You shan't never go back to her!" he heard the woman cry fiercely. "You promised me " "Shut up, will you? I don't care what I promised " said the man in a guarded voice that Michael felt sure he had heard before. "I shan't shut up! I'll holler ef you go, so the police'll come.