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Pinchin, still on his knees. "I'll give him fifty pound when my Midsummer rents come in, only let him rescue me from the jaws of the roaring lion. Oh, my Mamma! my mamma!" "Come forward, then, young man," cried the Chaplain, with a smile of disdain on his good-humoured countenance, "and help this worthy and courageous gentleman to his legs. Don't be afraid, Squire Barty. He won't murder you."

"Oh yes," continued Dumps, "when she was er playin' one day on the side uv the creek with her little sister, she got ter fightin' an' pinchin' an' scrougin', an' the fus thing she knowed, she fell kersplash in the creek, and got drownded.

W'en she's a young one, Ma was all for tyin' back her ears and pinchin' her nose with a clo'espin to make it straight or so'thin'; but I says to Ma, w'en Helen 'Lizy lef' home, 'don't ye be one mite afeard, I says, 'but what them bright eyes'll outshine the peaked city gals. Guess they have, sort o', eh, Sis; f'om what John's been writin'?" "I don't know, Father."

I have heard, indeed, a Ridiculous Tale setting forth that, finding myself Destitute in London after the Chaplain, Mr Pinchin, and I had parted company, and after escaping from the Pressgang, I enlisted in the Foot Guards.

"'Is she for troo so lovely? asks Faro Nell, who's been hangin' onto Enright's words. "'Frankly, Nellie, says Enright, sort o' pinchin' down his bluff; 'now that I'm ca'mer an' my blood is cool, this yere Polly don't seem so plumb prismatic. Still, I must say, she's plenty radiant. "'Does you-all, says Dan Boggs, 'put this yere Polly in nom'nation to be your wife while you're quiled up sick?

"I can't go 'round pinchin' fallen parrots," growled Soapy. "Besides, I'm the feller that learned her most of the cuss-words old Bob never heard before. I never saw a bird that was so anxious to improve. She used to set there with her ear cocked, just simply crazy to learn something new.

And it is certain that many of the High Dutch Church Dignitaries were at this time addicted to a most riotous mode of living. Next to Ratisbon, where Mr. Pinchin was Laid up with a Fever brought on by High Living, and for more than Five Weeks remained between Life and Death, causing both to Mr.

But the Bay Eagle will never wear a tight throat-latch or a pinchin' brow-band, or a rough bit, or a short headstall, while old Mr. Ump warms the saddle seat." The hunchback was squirming around, craning his long neck. If the Bay Eagle were dry, water must be had, and no delay about it. Love for this mare was Ump's religion. I laughed and pointed down the road.

F'r instance, you take a pinchin' bug: What do you suppose my father and mother know about its position in the inseck world?" "Well " said Noble uneasily. "Well " He coughed, and hastened to add: "But as I was saying, if she lost her earring somewhere in your yard, or "

But the Behaviour of Bartholomew Pinchin, Esquire, was, from the beginning unto the end of the Regale, of a piece with his former extraordinary and Grotesque conduct. After the champagne, he essayed to sing a song to the tune of "Cold and Raw," but, failing therein, he began to cry.